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Essay on Fresh Water - Please correct and grade it

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:01 am
by prathap
Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global problem.
What are the causes of the increased demand, and what measures can governments and individuals take to respond to this problem?
In today's world, the highly alarming issue for many of the nations is non-availability of fresh water. There are many reasons for this scenario. This essay will discuss the potential causes and possible solutions for this ever increasing water problem.

To begin with, the latest statistics published by the World Health Organisation shows that less than five percent of total available water resources are safe to drink. This figures indicates how much amount of water is polluted. The first and foremost reason is contamination of water with toxic industrial wastes produced by chemicals and fertilizers. For instance, the Ganga river in our country, India, was the major source of drinking water for many cities but the present situation is quite opposite and one need to have strong heart just to take a dip in that river. The primary reason for the dilution of Ganga river water is the presence of Industrial corridor along the river front. Secondly, in many under developed countries, people have lack of awareness on rain water harvesting and waste water re-usage for gardening. Therefore, the contamination of available pure water and lack of knowledge on water re-usage leads to increase the demand of water resources.

However, there are many resolutions to decrease the water scarcity. Firstly, the government should either ban or severely penalize the companies which are dumping dangerous waste materials in the lakes. As a result, the water from the rivers could be supplied to the areas which are suffering with water problems. Secondly, The more greener on the earth, the more rains will fall. Therefore, citizens of a nation should concentrate planting trees to make this planet more greener. Also, every individual and governments need to create awareness programs on the advantages of rain-water harvesting. This leads to reduce ground water usage.

In conclusion, it is impossible to imagine this beautiful planet without water and it is a natural resource which we cannot produce on our own. I believe the solutions explained above could help us to save water for future needs and I hope governments and individuals will take the necessary steps to reduce water demand.