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Could you please correct my letter and provide feedback

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:23 pm
by fas_saf28
18. You have decided to leave your current employment. Write a letter to your employer. In your letter
1. Explain why you are writing
2. Explain why you have decided to leave the company
3. Tell your employer what you have planned to do after leaving the job.

To the Human Resources Department,

My name is Fazil Hassan, and my employee number is 31530. I am writing this letter with mixed feelings in regards to my resignation from the organization.

Allow me to explain to you what made me to take up this decision. I’m planning to get married in a couple of months from now, and my fiance is pursuing her master’s degree in Melbourne, Australia. I have to move to Australia post my marriage for two reasons. Firstly, because my fiance is a permanent resident of Australia and she wants me to live with her. Secondly, I am keen on immigration to this country for better career perspectives as well as modern lifestyle.

Last week, I was granted with a work permit visa, which allows me to look out for potential jobs in the State of Victoria. Therefore, I would travel there to find a suitable position once I am relieved from my responsibilities here with my current team.

Thank you very much for the support and guidance provided throughout my tenure.
Fazil Hassan.