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ILETS - AUS - Task 1 - General Training Question - 17/08/13

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:32 pm
by fulecha
Hi All,
Please be advised that the following letter appeared on the ILETS test in Australia on 17/08/13.

Write a letter to your landlord as the neighbour above you makes a lot of noise:
Explain the problem.
What have you done to resolve the issue
What do you want him to do?

Of course it is paraphrased but the gist is present.

Re: ILETS - AUS - Task 1 - General Training Question - 17/08

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:59 am
by cognos
Can anyone of you please provide me with the feedback for general training task 1?

Dear Mr.Smith,

I am Ms.Leena, your tenant, staying in the first floor of St.Parks Blvrd. I am writing to you to inform the problems creating by the neighbour staying above the house.

I have been staying in the first floor with my family for the past four years. I have never faced any issues till now. We are very happy residing here. Actually we are very comfortable with the area too.

Recently the top floor was occupied by a bachelor. He is creating lot of problems. We are not able to tolerate any more. Especially, at the weekends he makes a whole lot of noise during night time by dancing and by enjoying with his friends. Because of that we are not getting enough sleep. As you know, this is the annual exam time for students, my daughter is not able to concentrate much on her studies due to huge noise.

Yesterday, I met him and explained him the situation and asked him not to make noise any more. He nodded his head but didn't respond in an expected manner.

I would like to request you to kindly look into the issue and talk to him. It would be greatful, if he accepts this and allows us to have sufficient sleep.

Looking forward for a positive response from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Leena Karmer

Re: ILETS - AUS - Task 1 - General Training Question - 17/08

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:50 pm
by bunni015
Dear Angela,

I am Bunni. I am one of your tenant’s staying at “Acme”, flat number 101.I have been staying in this flat since 5 years and never confronted with any concerns, till last month. we have observed a group of students have occupied a flat just above to ours and the din caused by them is inevitable and irresistible.

Initially, when they occupied the flat, there were only two students . Later, after 15 days its observed that, there were more than 2. I think these group of students have lost their minds. As I reach home at 8PM on weekdays,by that time the students would be playing drums. Moreover, the students might also tend to booz, every weekend for the whole night and make my life miserable, during weekends. I am not able to have a complete and peaceful sleep.

A group of people met them and requested to behave themselves, made them to understand about the society where they are staying and this kind of behavior is not permitted. Later, I felt that its just a waste of 15 mins in my life.

I urge you to make these students vacate ASAP.In future make sure you get hold to some good tenant’s, so we can also feel about them as good neighbours.

Thanking you for consideration.

Best Regards,

Re: ILETS - AUS - Task 1 - General Training Question - 17/08

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:06 pm
by saran
hi leela,
one thing I found in your writing is this sentence "He nodded his head but didn't respond in an expected manner".i feel like its inappropriate.Try to use more words like in addition,moreover,besides,not only that,thus,therefore.don't forget to use small letter
Yours Sincerely-Yours sincerely

hi bunni,
As soon as I read your letter I feel you are fighting with your have to use semi-formal I guess.Try to use more words like in addition,moreover,besides,not only that,thus,therefore.don't forget to use small letter
Best Regards-Best regards

I am trying to help you...I am also a student trying to achieve 7 band.

I am going to post letter-writing within three days.please help me out....

Best regards,