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Could you please correct my essay.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 3:51 pm
by fas_saf28
Question 28. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or a negative development?


A couple of decades ago, people used traditional methods such as writing letters and making a regular phone call to communicate with others. These modes of communication have dramatically changed into using video-calling and chatting mobile applications. It is argued that technological advancements in communication are a positive development. This will be proven by analyzing both how it is economical as well as helps to bring people more closely to one another.

Firstly, many people use text-based chat applications to send and receive messages from others. A very popular example of such application in use is ‘Whatsapp’. Almost 80% of the people who communicate with their friends and family on a daily basis recommend this chat application. This is because; it’s the most economical way to share their thoughts to people. Therefore, it is apparent that the recent development in mobile technologies is a positive aspect.

Similarly, more and more people are making video calls rather than regular audio-only based calls. As an illustration, people who have their loved ones either working or studying in a remote country tend to miss them a lot. But thanks to the invention of internet based video calling applications. This has helped in bringing them close to each other, as it provides the feeling of talking in person. Thus, the growth in technology is obviously a positive factor.

After analyzing the above points, for reasons related to cheaper method of communication as well as an aid to visually see the loved ones, it has been proved that the improvements in communication technology is a good development without a shadow of doubt. It is predicted that more sophisticated ways of communication will be invented in the foreseeable days.