Dream of ideal society

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Dream of ideal society

Post by avsurti »

Ideal society, a dream since ages has always raised the expectations from the mentors of society unaware about the root on which perfect society would be formed, which surely lie in the patterns of people lifestyle and behavior and it can only be formed by conscious efforts of individuals

To begin with, if we talk about the society it is the aggregate of the people living in ordered community. Each era defined the ideal society but its constitutes kept changing. In current scenario the definition might not imitate past but we can say that the ideal society can an anarchy free society. This has very wide range of ingredients where the real base lies in the self disciplined people.

Currently the society is total money oriented and works on principle of “survival of the fittest” which is the root cause of all the evils we witness. In this marathon people have their own aspirations from the society there are varied expectations like capitalism, socialism, or any other creed is blurring. Money may have helped since ages but now grown to monster and removal of that can be the first step to the expectation as freedom will never be complete until money is eliminated

Certainly, the criteria of ideal society in past may be just respect to others and extending possible help to all but the scenario demands are all together on different tangent where the prime factors can be defined under umbrella of better and proper education which would curb several adversities like corruption, greed and the gender and caste discrimination. The other aspect would be the freedom in terms of speech, and living along with the rights to act which would engender the sense of security.

One question keeps striking every time “Whether non violent society is an ideal society?” which has many controversial views but in socialized terms the nonviolent society would definitely fetch the peace of mind which is the essential element. Here the individuals and governments should join hands and collectively work towards betterment, where the individual’s role gets crucial as to adhering the moral values, respecting the system, keep faith in democracy and part the required welfare payments for the development of the nation.

To agglomerate, we can say that the efforts if put towards the ideal society would not go to vein unless made with utmost integrity, patriotism and dedication towards the border-less, and fearless world.
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Re: Dream of ideal society

Post by Ryan »

Thank you for posting this. Is this your suggested speaking response?
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