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Is freedom of speech is necessary in free society?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:11 am
by khulan_8824
Nowadays, most of the countries become democratic and in democratic society people express their opinion openly. People say this is our right as a citizen. However, i personally believe that when person reaches certain age or when they had formed socially then freedom of speech should be allowed.

Expressing own thought does not mean to shout out whatever comes in mind. This is also written in human rights act which explains "One person's freedom is limited by others right". Therefore, before saying something that might hurt someone's feeling, better to think carefully. In Mongolia, we say "It is easier to catch lost horse than lost words" which expresses once you say something it is not possible to take back. Also, there are another tale about one boy used to shout "Tiger is coming" just to annoy other neighbors. When actual tiger came, no one was aware of the situation.

When we were young, we used to say everything to our parents. Since world was full of new things and situations this behavior is acceptable. However, when individual reacher certain age, society expects some civility. In other words, you should be responsible of your speech because your thought might influence others. Some speech has powerful motivation on society. For instance, Mongolian president Elbegdorj Tsakhia's speech about "Move? or Stay?" motivates most of the Mongolian citizens and costs him to win presidential election.

Overall, it is okay to express your opinion in public since it is part of free society. However, please realize that your words may equal to thousands of bullets.

Re: Is freedom of speech is necessary in free society?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:05 pm
by Flick
khulan_8824 wrote:Nowadays, many countries have become democratic and in democratic society people express their opinions openly. People say this is our right as citizens. However, I personally believe that when a person reaches a certain age then freedom of speech should be allowed.

Expressing ones own thoughts does not mean to shout out whatever comes to mind. This is also written in the Human Rights Act which explains "One person's freedom is limited by others right". Therefore, before saying something that might hurt someone's feelings, it is better to think carefully. In Mongolia, we say "It is easier to catch a lost horse than lost words" which expresses once you say something it is not possible to take it back. Also, there is another tale about one boy who used to shout "Tiger is coming!" just to annoy other neighbors. When an actual tiger came, no one was aware of the situation.

When we were young, we used to say everything to our parents. Since the world was full of new things and situations, this behavior was acceptable. However, when an individual reaches a certain age, society expects some civility. In other words, you should be responsible for your speech because your thoughts might influence others. Some speech has powerful motivation on society. For instance, Mongolian president Elbegdorj Tsakhia's speech about "Move? or Stay?" motivated most of the Mongolian citizens and caused him to win the presidential election.

Overall, it is okay to express your opinion in public since it is part of free society. However, please realize that your words may equal thousands of bullets.