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Space programmes

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:00 am
by Saya
Governments spend millions of dollars each year on their space programmes. Most recently, Mars is focus of scientists’ attention. Some people think this money would be better spent on dealing with problems closer to home. Do you agree or disagree?

Millions of dollars spend every year for space exploration, particularly, today, scientists have focused on the planet Mars research programmes. It is agreed that this money can be spent in a better way dealing with problems of our home planet. It will be proven by analyzing how this funding can be spent better, and how space programmes catalyze more problems on the Earth.
Firstly, the main argument against Mars exploration is requirement of too many resources for this, meanwhile, they can be used to solve more relevant problems on the Earth. For instance, this millions of dollars can be funds to deal with environmental issues, such as, programmes of transition to renewable energy. Therefore, people have lots of urgent problems to decide on home planet, rather than spent resources for invasion to others. Thus, these resources should be used in a better manner dealing with world’s current issues.
Secondly, space travels cause several problems for the Earth. The damaging of ozone lay of the planet by shuttles is an obvious example of this. As a result, such travels bring more harm than essential discoveries. This makes it clear that funding given for Mars programmes could be spent in more satisfying way.
After analyzing the areas of alternative costs of Mars researches and problems for the Earth of this, it is understandable why people gravitate to the argument against space governmental programmes. Thus, as has been proven, the money would be better spent on dealing with problems closer to home. It is recommended, do not undertake Mars exploration and use these resources to deal with current problems on the Earth.
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