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Obesity - global epidemic

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:15 am
by Saya
Obesity is now a major global epidemic. What can be done to tackle this increasingly common problem?
Nowadays, the issue of obesity is actual topic as never before, it is very apparent in most economically developed countries. It is believed to consider obesity as a complex exacerbating problem of modern society. There are several causes of overweighting, namely, lack of physical activity and fast food growing consumption.
Firstly, it is obvious that people have to eat in order to have sufficient level of energy for physical activities. However, today, due to increasing number of devices, people able to do work with less movements. For instance, the inventions, such as, computer and the Internet although allow to do lots of work at home, they still act as a catalysts for health problems. Therefore, lack of physical activity caused by technological progress is one reason for obesity.
Secondly, it is clear that overweighed people tend to consume more calories that they need. It is partly merit of increased fast food production that brings considerable damage to traditional healthy food industry. The main reasons why this food is so popular are affordability of it and quickness of services. Therefore, it can be concluded that prevailing of fast food in daily diet leads to troubles with weight.
After analyzing the causes of overweight through population, it is clear that obesity is a side effect of comfortable, but fast life. Thus, it is recommended to promote sport as well as balanced diet in society. Another decision is to open some resorts for people with hard types of obesity, where they can be teach and accustomed to healthy lifestyle.
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