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children behavior

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:14 pm
by mohamedabouhemeid
In many area around the world particularly in the eastern part where the family ties are still strong, people teach their sons and daughters how to behave in every single situation and the child has no well or even any choice to agree or reject. For example in my country Palestine where I had grown up ,it is still a costume that when you see your grandpa or grandma you have to kiss the back of their hands as symbol of respect and if you do not , you would be considered irrespective to the elders. Moreover, these communities although it look old fashioned and traditional ,they seem more well-knitting with high degree of relations and healthy social relations.
On the other hands , in the more industrized community where the rhythm of the life is faster and the life challenges are more complicated , like in western countries , people tend to give their children the right to select what they prefer and permit them to do whatever they want , for example they can stay out homes for few days and sometime they can separated to live away from their parents when they are still not mature enough this kind of strategy may allow children to take responsibilities over their life at younger age and teach them how to face the obstacles in their life but it may carry a risk of damaging the family values.
In my opinion, it is not bad to have some strict rules regarding the behaviors of our children but we need to give them an area of freedom where they can develop their way of thinking and build up their own lifestyle.

Re: children behavior

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:46 pm
by sherielyn01
Hi! Can you show us the question for your essay? Thanks..

Re: children behavior

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:20 pm
by delvydavis
no introduction & conclusion!!

come on! be serious