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Focus too much on products and brands that they buy/use

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:43 pm
by rakez
topic: Some people focus too much on products and brands that they buy/use. Do you think this behavior has more advantages than disadvantages.

It is always a debatable issue whether to purchase the branded products and impact on the public.In the recent years the branded companies goods has a significant effect on the consumer’s choice of selection.It is argued by the public that purchase of branded items have more advantages than disadvantages.This will be analyzed by looking at the factors like durability of the goods and great value for money spent.
On one hand ,most of the customers are attracted due to the trust on company’s products in producing long lasting with high quality and value added guaranteed services.For instance Apple laptops are mostly trusted by world wide consumers because of the efficient and performance devices manufactured by the company.Hence, people believe in purchasing these branded products in the symbol of highly engineered configuration than compared with the remaining companies.Thus it clearly proved that these products are worth to buy and use.
On the other hand the money spent on the product is worth for the life time.Considering an example, as Sony electronic products, although the price is on the higher side than the rest of the company, but the products are assured with high standard and international warranty, attracts the consumer in buying their products. In addition to this customers feel these products as a symbol of status in acquiring these goods.Thus, after analyzing, it is clearly stated that it is more advantageous to buy branded products.
Following this look,it can be concluded that focus on branded item purchase is always an advantage unless it becomes the negative impact on the consumers.It is also hoped that demand for these branded products will rise drastically.

Re: Focus too much on products and brands that they buy/use

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:51 pm
by rakez
Hi Mr.Flick and everyone, thank you for comments and correcting my previous essay.I posted a new essay, focus on brands and products.Give your feedback and please give a band score to my essay.Thank you in advance.

Re: Focus too much on products and brands that they buy/use

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:24 pm
by subedi
hi rakez i went through your essay. Your essay is very good. I dont know about your writing before but in this one you have definitely done better. The sentences are well structured and you have correctly answered your question. one suggestion i'd like to give to you is to write more simple sentence and use commas and apostrophes, Usually when reading long sentences there are chances of being misunderstood. And please read the first sentence of your essay, it doesn't make sense. You cannot debate over "whether to purchase the branded products and impact on the public'' in order to debate you should have contrasting ideas. I dont know about how they give the band score, but if i were the examiner i would have given you convincingly 6.5 and hesitantly 7. i also have posted on the same topic. i want you and everybody else to read and leave comments and also a band score.

Re: Focus too much on products and brands that they buy/use

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:25 pm
by subedi
topic: Some people focus too much on products and brands that they buy/use. Do you think this behavior has more advantages than disadvantages.

“Shopping now has become easier than ever” experts say. But I feel shopping now has become more complicated than ever. Yes indeed, industrialization has left people with too many choices even on matters of buying a simple tissue paper. Whether one should buy a branded product or an ordinary product is I think the hottest debate going on throughout the world currently.

No doubt, it feels great to have a branded product. You may feel like you have conquered the world but consumers should always question whether the product they buy is worth it ? After all it is your hard earned money. Moreover, there are always chances of costumers being duped into buying products at exorbitant price. Hello wake up ! you are not living in the 19th century now. One the other hand, if you have several other products of same quality but a different name in half of the price, how stupid can you be willing to pay the extra? In my opinion, people should give up their obsession for the branded products because usually they are not worth it.

It is a matter of fact, the fashion keeps changing every day. A product you buy today can be obsolete tomorrow. An expensive branded outfit you wore in a party will not be worth wearing the next time because it’ll be old fashioned. The question is can you afford a branded new outfit again? If yes, no problem. On the contrary, majority of the people cannot afford one. In addition, this obsession has created unnecessary price hike of the products leading to an unnecessary competition in the society. 1 year back, I read a news in BBC, a man in China sold his kidney to buy an Iphone. Is an iphone really worth more than someone’s kidney? It’s not his fault that he wants an Iphone, it’s the society’s fault that has ranked Iphone users as superior. Therefore, discretion is necessary while buying products.

To conclude, people should always be wary of what they are buying and the price they are paying. We don’t want to make someone unnecessarily rich and make fool of ourselves. Market now provides wide range of products. We can always compare and contrast and buy the products which are useful to us than blindly follow a brand.