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men vs women

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:13 am
by subedi
Women can do everything men can do and they do it better. They also can do many things men cannot. But there is a fact that their work is not appreciated as men’s although they have to sacrifice a lot for their family, and career. So someone said: “A woman’s place is in the home”. What do you think ?

We live in a patriarchal society. Men have dominated the world since the beginning of mankind and it is still the same in most part of the world. However, with education and empowerment women of today have cut thrown the millennia bound chains of inequality and set their feet beyond the walls of their home.

There is no doubt that women are any less competent than men in any field. Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa, Madam Curie, Benjir Bhutto, Indira Gandhi, Valentina Tereshkova, Steffi Graf are among a few prominent women who have contributed to the society and set up limits which cannot be surpassed by any ordinary man. Whether politics or science, medicine or military, astronomy or sports, literature or business women have proved themselves as good as men. Research has shown that, compared to their male counterparts, women are better in their jobs. They have a flair to complete the job in time with subtlety. Hence women are preferred to men in the business world today.

On contrary, it is dismal that the work of the women has not been recognized in the society. Women are still looked as home makers only. In my view, more responsibility has been added to women now than before. Now, they are not only doing the house chores but also working outside: a double duty. When giving birth to a child she has to give up on her career. It’s a stigma in the human race, despite all their onerous jobs and earnest efforts to make a better home, a better society their sacrifices are not commemorated.

To conclude, women are equal to men and should be given equal opportunity in each field. They are not to be belittled rather they should be treated as our companion and revered for all the sacrifices they have been doing for the family and men specially. It is woman who makes a house a home.