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Please review and provide your valuable feedback!!

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:18 pm
by SayedDexter
Question :
Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they
are a complete waste of time.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.

In today's competitive world, we as an individual tends to push our children to such an extreme where they loose their childhood,individuality. In India every parent want their child to become either a doctor or an engineer.Thus, due to leisure activities a child can become more socially active.Moreover, can gain knowledge to deal with imperative situations. These points of view will be discussed in this order.

Indeed, leisure activities are very important for every child, so that he can gain social and moral responsibility. For example, a child can perform outdoor activities such as football,cricket or any other sports where he can gain knowledge of team building, bonding. Thus, these activities can improve horizon of a child and he can think more about his group,society and will become more socio-active, these skills are difficult to gain in mere education.

Furthermore, these activities will provide an opportunity where a child himself have to find a way out of strenuous situation. To illustrate, a child generally spends more time playing video games. Therefore, while playing these games he or she gain concentration power and can develop multitasking ability.Hence, these leisure activities are very crucial for mind development of a child which is void in education.

To conclude, I totally agree with the point that leisure activities should not be bound to education only, rather it should be related with how a child want to spend his free time than we as a parent decide how it should be spent. Both points are analysed above and leisure activities should only be related with education point is refuted.

Re: Please review and provide your valuable feedback!!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:34 pm
by Flick
SayedDexter wrote:Question :
Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they
are a complete waste of time.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.

In today's competitive world, we as individuals tend to push our children to such an extreme they lose their childhood and individuality. In India, every parent wants their child to become either a doctor or an engineer. Thus, due to leisure activities a child can become more socially active. Moreover, they can gain knowledge to deal with many situations. These points of view will be discussed in this order.

Indeed, leisure activities are very important for every child so that he can learn social and moral responsibility. For example, a child can perform outdoor activities such as football,cricket or any other sports where he can gain knowledge of team building and bonding. Thus, these activities can improve the horizons of a child and he can think more about his group and society, and will become more socially active, These skills are difficult to gain in mere education.

Furthermore, these activities will provide an opportunity for the child to find a way out of strenuous situations. To illustrate, a child generally spends more time playing video games. Therefore, while playing these games he or she gains concentration power and can develop multitasking ability. Hence, these leisure activities are very crucial for the mind development of a child which is void in education.

To conclude, I totally agree with the point that leisure activities should not be bound to education only, rather they should be related to how a child wants to spend his free time rather than we as a parent decide how it should be spent.