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Please assess my writing and provide feedback about mistakes

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:00 am
by anasjamil
Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree that this is the right course of action? Give reasons for your opinion.

Smokers need to follow certain rules and regulations in working environment across the globe. In fact, in most countries, people are precluded to smoke in public places such as office buildings, amusement parks and others. Some people appreciate these measures. However, others feel that these laws are unwarranted. I believe that smoking should be banned in public places in order to prevent non-smokers from health risks.

To begin with, there is a complete unanimity on smoking being injurious to health. Since smoking afflicts people not only the smokers but also the non-smokers, it is menacing for everyone as people inhale the smoke containing toxic substances. For instance, last year in china, nicotine and other toxic substances were found in the lungs of 500 school children. After investigations, it transpired that it was caused due to the teachers who smoked in school premises. Therefore, despite few drawbacks of implanting a strict policy, strong measures are the order of the day related to smoking in public places.

On the other hand, government is encountering financial problems due to implementation of the policy of creating public places as smoke free zones. The ratio of smokers visiting public places has plummeted in countries where this law is applicable. It results in less revenue generation as few people only are paying the entry tickets for amusement parks, zoo and other places for fun and entertainment for common people.
Therefore, in most countries, the government is reluctant to impose strict laws in order to bar people from smoking in public places.

To sum up, I believe the advantages to prevent smokers from smoking in public places are greater than its disadvantages. It will help to secure the health standards of people. We should utilize electronic, print and social media to create awareness among people regarding threatening impacts of smoking on our life

Re: Please assess my writing and provide feedback about mist

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:01 pm
by Flick
anasjamil wrote:Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree that this is the right course of action? Give reasons for your opinion.

Smokers need to follow certain rules and regulations in working environments across the globe. In fact, in most countries, people are prohibited from smoking in public places such as office buildings, amusement parks and others. Some people appreciate these measures. However, others feel that these laws are unwarranted. I believe that smoking should be banned in public places in order to protect non-smokers from health risks.

To begin with, there is complete unanimity on smoking being injurious to health. Since smoking affects not only the smokers but also non-smokers, it is menacing for everyone as people inhale the smoke containing toxic substances. For instance, last year in China, nicotine and other toxic substances were found in the lungs of 500 school children. After investigations, it transpired that it was caused due to the teachers who smoked on school premises. Therefore, despite a few drawbacks of implementing a strict policy, strong measures are the order of the day related to smoking in public places.

On the other hand, the government is encountering financial problems due to implementation of the policy of designating public places as smoke free zones. The ratio of smokers visiting public places has plummeted in countries where this law is applicable. It results in less revenue generation as fewer people are paying the entry tickets for amusement parks, zoos and other places for fun and entertainment for common people.
Therefore, in most countries, the government is reluctant to impose strict laws in order to bar people from smoking in public places.

To sum up, I believe the advantages of preventing smokers from smoking in public places are greater than its disadvantages. It will help to secure the health standards of people. We should utilize electronic, print and social media to create awareness among people regarding threatening impacts of smoking on our life