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Pls correct my Task 2

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:41 am
by SaraZh
Question: Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?

It is true that men and women differ from each other in fundamental ways – men are considered to be aggressive, intelligent and physically strong, whereas women are commonly believed as more cooperative, emotional and vulnerable. But gender should not be the only reason for denying a man or a woman the access to a certain profession.

Women can be as intelligent as men and achieve success in some traditionally male-dominated areas. Take scientific research as an example. There are increasing number of female scholars and researchers in universities or institutions working with their male colleagues on science-related studies, such as physics, chemistry and statistics. Those talented women have proven their capacity and it is foreseeable that women will continue to contribute to the scientific development as long as they are given equal right of education and work as men.

Similarly, there are quite a number of men involving in the areas which were predominated by women. The inclusion of male workers in those areas can create positive effects. One example is the need of male teachers in early childhood education, who can help young children develop positive views of maleness and masculinity. Additionally, male nurses have become desirable as they are physically stronger than their female counterparts, and therefore can look after overweight patients easily and are able to work under high pressure in a fast-paced environment.

In the modern society, gender roles are not as distinct as they used to be. Men are not necessarily the breadwinner while women do not have to be the ‘desperate housewives’. When determining the suitability of a candidate for a particular occupation, sex should not be a primary concern; instead, capacity, characteristics, attitude and passion are more imperative.

Re: Pls correct my Task 2

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:01 am
by Flick
SaraZh wrote:Question: Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?

It is true that men and women differ from each other in fundamental ways – men are considered to be aggressive, intelligent and physically strong, whereas women are commonly believed as more cooperative, emotional and vulnerable. But gender should not be the only reason for denying a man or a woman access to a certain profession.

Women can be as intelligent as men and achieve success in some traditionally male-dominated areas. Take scientific research as an example. There is an increasing number of female scholars and researchers in universities and institutions working with their male colleagues on science-related studies such as physics, chemistry and statistics. Those talented women have proven their capacity and it is foreseeable that women will continue to contribute to scientific development as long as they are given an equal right of education and work as men.

Similarly, there are quite a number of men involved in the areas which are dominated by women. The inclusion of male workers in those areas can create positive effects. One example is the need of male teachers in early childhood education who can help young children develop positive views of maleness and masculinity. Additionally, male nurses have become desirable as they are physically stronger than their female counterparts, and therefore can look after overweight patients easily and are able to work under high pressure in a fast-paced environment.

In modern society, gender roles are not as distinct as they used to be. Men are not necessarily the breadwinner while women do not have to be the ‘desperate housewives’. When determining the suitability of a candidate for a particular occupation, sex should not be a primary concern; instead, capacity, characteristics, attitude and passion are more important.

Re: Pls correct my Task 2

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 5:27 am
by anasjamil

Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree that this is the right course of action? Give reasons for your opinion.

Smokers need to follow certain rules and regulations in working environment across the globe. In fact, in most countries, people are precluded to smoke in public places such as office buildings, amusement parks and others. Some people appreciate these measures. However, others feel that these laws are unwarranted. I believe that smoking should be banned in public places in order to prevent non-smokers from health risks.

To begin with, there is a complete unanimity on smoking being injurious to health. Since smoking afflicts people not only the smokers but also the non-smokers, it is menacing for everyone as people inhale the smoke containing toxic substances. For instance, last year in china, nicotine and other toxic substances were found in the lungs of 500 school children. After investigations, it transpired that it was caused due to the teachers who smoked in school premises. Therefore, despite few drawbacks of implanting a strict policy, strong measures are the order of the day related to smoking in public places.

On the other hand, government is encountering financial problems due to implementation of the policy of creating public places as smoke free zones. The ratio of smokers visiting public places has plummeted in countries where this law is applicable. It results in less revenue generation as few people only are paying the entry tickets for amusement parks, zoo and other places for fun and entertainment for common people.
Therefore, in most countries, the government is reluctant to impose strict laws in order to bar people from smoking in public places.

To sum up, I believe the advantages to prevent smokers from smoking in public places are greater than its disadvantages. It will help to secure the health standards of people. We should utilize electronic, print and social media to create awareness among people regarding threatening impacts of smoking on our life