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Elder Society - Spanned life - Social Support We Can Take f

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:58 am
Help me on this,

1. is this idea is correct.
2. Did I written to the topic.
3. Without corrections what will be the grade.
4. What are the improvements I required.
Finally, Thank you for supporting us...

Elder Society - Spanned life - Social Support We Can Take from Them

Along the advanced health service entire elder community has spanned their quality of life by few years. They lives actively more than ever. Turning back to the old saying “Old is gold”, every country has reserved a great place to adults. This is because, the maturity and experiences that they have gained throughout their lives. I believe that, we could get advantage and support of old people for enrichment of the society.

To begin with, grandmothers are really good at babysitting. Furthermore, they have looked after their sons and daughters. Any mother do not hesitate to keep their children under her mother’s supervision. In my country, grandmothers bringing child to nursery as well as to the tuition classes. I could remember that, how my grandmother shaped my life in my younger age. Without support of her, I could not be able to stand better.

Secondly, majority of educated resources around the world are middle aged. Starting from great scientists Thomas Alwa Edision and Marie Curie to politicians like Che Guera has achieved their best in middle ages. Therefore, Elder knowledge cannot be bargained. If they lived longer than expected, we might have discovered many helpful inventions and political direction advices. Thus, every elder can serve better to the society through their expertise on subject matters.

To Sum Up, Active senior community could support younger generation by sharing knowledge and providing directions in difficult times. We need to pay our gratitude to our elders for the enormous service they performs to the goodness of the society.

Re: Elder Society - Spanned life - Social Support We Can Tak

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:48 am
Hellow Sirs/ Madams / Teachers and Sirs,

Appreciate if you can check this :(