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Please check this essay and give feedback.Thanks

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:49 pm
by Mohammed
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is sometimes argued that tourists travelling other countries should obey those countries’ traditional rules.Others,however,believe that it is host country’s responsibility to adapt a wide range of cultures.

The argument in favor of following local customs suggests that if any visitor came to a country to visit ,he or she probably willing to get to know cultural features, traditions dating back to prehistoric ages,languages,etc. of that country.Therefore, the traveler should respect and take into account these factors,and should be prepared before visiting.For instance, if anyone plan to go to China ,he or she should get more information about Chinese culture,cuisine and if possible a little bit from basic language for greetings,etc.This can easily be done just by little searching on the internet.

However,the opponents of this argument claim that it is up to host country to show tolerance against various cultures.They contend that a receiver country wants to improve its tourism and attract as many tourist as possible.That is why these countries should create a convenient atmosphere so that guests do not feel themselves discriminated.They can do it,for example,by showing flight routes and schedules in many language possible,or by releasing multilingual guide books for newcomers,booklets which explain a little about history,heritage of that country.

In conclusion,it seems to me that travelers should incur the obligation to get used to host country’s traditions.I feel that this is a bedrock of tourism that people travelling around the world come across different cultures,behaviours and receiver country should maintain its national characteristics in order to spread and demonstrate to comers.