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Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:21 pm
by prabhakar reddy
What beats me to the marrow is that why you guys hanker after strangers as partners to speak with, when you are not aware of how knowledgeble the other guy or girl is. If the other one is dim-witted and is devoid of any useful ideas,how will his/her smattering knowledge improve your speaking skills? What guarantee is there that the partner's or your views are in tune with the question? Who will authenticate that your answers are right or wrong and what experience do you guys have to evaluvate your answers and to estimate what band do they carry ? So, guys and girls, listen to this old and seasoned Teacher and you can avoid crying over spilt milk, after when you get your results.
What you require is not a partner to speak with but a well experienced Teacher to exlore your knowledge,who has the abilty to give a correct answer to the questions, can check your views,opinions, structures and grammatical accuracy and also can correctly assess your band score so that at least you will be able to know where you stand and this suggestion stands good for your writng module too. Worth ponderable, isn't it ?
This is from a Professor of English and Trainer of IELTS. My e.mail : and my phone: 9550724029(INDIA)