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Please validate my essay on Judging Success.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:31 am
by jyothi318

Could someone validate the below essay please. Thanks in advance.

Many people judge success solely by money and material possessions. However, success can be achieved or measured in other ways.

In modern times, as the society is commanded by affluent people many believe success to be acquisition of monetary possessions. However, ideally, a person is termed successful when he achieves what he aspires for. In fact, success is oriented to money and multiple other criteria which will be adverted to in further sections of this essay.
Rich people successfully lead a comfortable life. A wealthy person can fulfil his materialistic needs for a luxurious living. For instance, Mukesh Ambani, one of the planet’s richest persons, lives in a magnificent house with all amenities and possesses a number of private planes along with world’s top branded cars. The quality of life of such wealthy people allures others to aspire for it. As a result, money and material possessions have transformed into judging criterion to success for many.
Nevertheless, contentment and peace of mind are the greatest achievements for some individuals. Some argue that monetary possessions lead to insecurity while feeling content is an invaluable virtue. It is found that this happiness is achieved primarily by sharing with others or even on trivial achievements which need not necessarily be monetary. For example, Mother Theresa found happiness in giving love to the poor and needy. Thus, success for some is when they fulfil the needs of others.
To conclude, success is when ones aspirations are achieved. Though earning money and feeling content are some ways of achieving success, the ultimate and supreme of these achievements is the contentment in serving and uplifting the downtrodden.