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Topic of noise in public

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:57 am
by yhjsaber
Today, there is too much noise in the public places. What are the causes and what can we do about it?

Indeed, the modern world setting has resulted in the ever increasing noise in public, which takes a heavy toll on people’s lives. I believe that uncontrolled vehicles, intense industrial activities and unregulated people are three factors contributing to such a problem. Adopting advanced technologies and education are two efficient ways to deal with this issue.

At the present, an increasing number of automobiles and airplanes have been used as the main method for people to commute to work and travel around. Therefore, noises coming from running car engines and spinning gas turbines are becoming increasingly noticeable and irritating. In addition, frequent industrial activities taking place in many factories and construction sites, where heavy machineries are operated, also contribute largely to the intensifying noise in public. These sounds sometimes become unbearable to citizens, which leads to psychological problems such as depression or even mania, acting as a catalyst to agitate more people and therefore further promote the level of noise in public.

Tackling the aforementioned problems requires the combined efforts of authorities and civilians. Firstly, the use of quieter electric engines could be encouraged by the government. This is what has been done in my home city, Chengdu, where low tax is placed on electric motors to stimulate the use of electric vehicles. Not only residents in this city can enjoy a more peaceful environment after the implementation of such policies, but also the level of air pollution has been substantially lowered. Same strategy could also be applied to industrial sectors. Financial incentives such as compensations and subsidies can be provided to manufacturers willing to improve their production lines by employing greener, noise reduction and more efficient technologies. Improving the prevalence of education regarding the importance of a quiet environment to a person’s health is also vital in this respect. With more people benefiting from living in a harmonic and clean community, it is possible that more will strive to maintain such beneficial living conditions, hence significantly reducing the noise in public.

In conclusion, the excessive use of various means of transportation, unregulated industrial and human activities are three main reasons causing unhealthy noise in public. Only with the aggregated power of governments and citizens can this problem be tackled with effectively.