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pls rate! If you were given a chance, what all changes would

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:28 pm
by ramogi
If you were given a chance, what all changes would you implement in this 21st century to make your country a better living place

This topic is too big to discuss in a small space. I belong to India, an over populated developing country which has a lot of scope of improvement. The major topics I would like to deal with would be controlling poverty, improving education, women empowerment, technological development, better job opportunities, and betterment of farmers, reducing crime rate, making the nation clean, remove corruption, better transport system and other facilities, make international relations better for improved economic conditions, etc.

In a country like India, we have huge manforce which if utilized properly can do wonders. Most of the poor people are illiterate because they do not have access to schools in closer vicinity. Girls in villages are not allowed to study and I believe if you teach one girl, you teach entire family. Women in our country are not safe, there is an ever growing crime rate against women which needs to be controlled by defining stricter punishments and strong judiciary. Birth control is another area which I would like to focus on. We need to start nation-wide camps to educate families about benefits of smaller families.

My focus would be to encourage youth to start up their own enterprises and support small and medium scale enterprises. I
would like to encourage and promote people to create more local brands and export it internationally.

To conclude, I would say my nation has all resources to make it a best place to live in but what is required is that spark, that motivation, knowledge and trust in ruling bodies to change the thinking of a common man in constructive things. Though, the task is difficult but with a help of a good leader, it is possible.