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Please help me with this essay: "university result success"

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:19 pm
by thuclinh2603
Academic performance is the only true measure of a person’s intelligence.
It is indisputable that possessing a degree from such prestigious universities would very likely guarantee a person’s academic success and intelligence. However, I would argue that educational result should not be considered as the sole means of measure for a human for the following reasons.
To begin with, throughout the history, it has been proven by various examples that not having a university degree does not affect people’s chance of success. In fact, many genius renowned figures who dropped out of college have become extremely successful in their careers. Mark Zukerberg, the founder of facebook, for example, who left Havard to invest in the site that has attracted billions of people worldwide ; eventually, he has become one of the most wealthy and affluent person on the planet.
Further, it is commonly perceived by scientists that intelligence could exist in various forms that should receive equally appreciation, and accomplishment in the academic world may be simply one of them. For instance, in attempt to achieve high result, a person should make good use of their fluid intelligence (the ability to analyze) and crystalized intelligence (the ability to fetch what you have learnt). On the other hand, according to an American psychologist, we should not ignore other aspects of our brains such as linguistic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, etc.
In conclusion, for the reasons above, I reaffirm my position that academic achievement should be considered as one of numerous means of measure for human’s intelligence. It is therefore highly recommended for the government and educational institution to implement a more comprehensive system to encourage students to pursue and accomplish whichever types of success they wish for.

Re: Please help me with this essay: "university result succe

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:35 pm
by Flick
thuclinh2603 wrote:Academic performance is the only true measure of a person’s intelligence.

It is indisputable that possessing a degree from a prestigious university is very likely to guarantee a person’s academic success and intelligence. However, I would argue that educational result should not be considered as the sole means of measure for intelligence based on the following reasons.

To begin with, throughout history it has been proven by various examples that not having a university degree does not affect people’s chance of success. In fact, many genius renowned figures who dropped out of college have become extremely successful in their careers. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, for example, who left Harvard to invest in the site that has attracted billions of people worldwide. He has become one of the most wealthy and affluent people on the planet.

Further, it is commonly perceived by scientists that intelligence exists in various forms that should receive equal appreciation, and accomplishment in the academic world may be simply one of them. For instance, in attempt to achieve high results, a person should make good use of their fluid intelligence (the ability to analyze) and crystallized intelligence (the ability to recall what you have learnt). On the other hand, according to an American psychologist, we should not ignore other aspects of our brains such as linguistic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, etc.

In conclusion, for the reasons above, I reaffirm my position that academic achievement should be considered as one of numerous means of measure for human intelligence. It is therefore highly recommended that the government and educational institutions implement a more comprehensive system to encourage students to pursue and accomplish whichever types of success they wish for.

Re: Please help me with this essay: "university result succe

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 5:07 am
by bharati
Hi! Success in College and after College: - Who does not want to be successful in life. Success is what everybody in this world strives to achieve, but not everybody can taste it because they do not know how.

To be successful you must take some decisions, you must know what you want to accomplish and create a strategic plan as a guideline to get the ultimate results you want for your life. College is one of the tools you can use to be successful because it gives you the necessary skills to succeed and prepares you for a career.

Been successful in College will show you what determination and commitment can do; it will give you the trust you need in yourself to get anything you want in life... Thank you!