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Would you kindly rate my LETTER ?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:29 pm
by StarFish
Hello everyone,

I understand it may sound awkward to rate a letter, but this would very much help me.

You recently spent a vacation at the home of some friends who live in a different city.
Write to your friends:

- Thank your friends for letting you stay with them.
- Describe some things you enjoyed about your vacation.
- Invite your friends to visit you.


Dear Josie and Martin,

I have just arrived home in London after spending the most remarkable vacation i had ever spent with both of you. Yes, that is the first thing i am doing when i stepped in bedroom, writing to you.

Thanks a million for letting me share the stay in your lovely house. The most comfortable house i have stayed in. I have enjoyed it a lot. Playing in the backyard and smashing each other's faces with snow-balls were my favorite, i was fond of it. Also, the terrific run we used to make on ice was so joy and fun.

I would always remember these memories. The pictures we have taken there would keep me smiling whenever i look at it. You were so generous and kind with to me and allow me please, to invite both of you to my place next summer. I shall then start preparing and thinking of creative ideas of how we will enjoy the coming summer in case of acceptance.

Many thanks again and hope to hear from you.



Thanks in advance : )

Re: Would you kindly rate my LETTER ?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:14 pm
by Flick
StarFish wrote:Hello everyone,

I understand it may sound awkward to rate a letter, but this would very much help me.

You recently spent a vacation at the home of some friends who live in a different city.
Write to your friends:

- Thank your friends for letting you stay with them.
- Describe some things you enjoyed about your vacation.
- Invite your friends to visit you.


Dear Josie and Martin,

I have just arrived home in London after spending the most remarkable vacation with both of you. Yes, the first thing I am doing now that I am home is writing to you.

Thanks a million for letting me stay in your lovely house. It was the most comfortable house I have stayed in. I enjoyed it a lot. Playing in the backyard and having a snow ball fight were my favorites. Also, the run we did on ice was very fun.

I will always remember my visit. The pictures we took will keep me smiling whenever I look at them. You were so generous and kind, so please allow me to invite both of you to my place next summer. I shall start thinking of creative ideas of how we will enjoy the coming summer in case of acceptance.

Many thanks again and hope to hear from you.



Thanks in advance : )

Re: Would you kindly rate my LETTER ?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:56 pm
by StarFish
Dear Flick,

I understand it is somehow late to reply back to your feedback, but i would really like to thank you for taking the time to assess my letter.
Your comments were so in place and helpful. I believe i should work harder and pay attention to such mistakes i made.

Thanks again and wish you a blessing day.