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Speaking 18 JAN | MELBOURNE

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:59 am
by robdrake
I was bestowed with some really random questions today! - From the look of the examiner, he seems to enjoyed my talk, I think? I was being relax and careful about his questions, but I think was way too humorous too. :cry:

Anyway the below question and conversation are just gists -

My Name , Where I come from, Working or Studying.
[ you know the usual part 1, i also told the examiner i am a graphic designer, and i do etc etc at my work]

Do I plan things ahead?
[ Not really, i am the most unorganized person! but then again, most creative people aren't either, they always do things organically! etc etc but unless it is something crucial like preparing exams, i have to force myself to organize my studies]

What do I plan for my birthdays?
[i dont really celebrate birthdays because to me birthdays are tedious and forces people to wish me well etc. so i always tell my friends and families please do not try to organize or plan anything for my birthday. i just prefer to stay at home and treat my birthday just like any other casual day, which is a good plan for me. BUT! yesterday was indeed my birthday, my friends bought me tickets to the australian open to enjoy the scorching heat!]

Do I plant, or have i attempted in planting
[no i dont plant at all, the closest experience for me in planting is helping my mother to water her flowers and sprinkle fertilizers, apart from that i dont have alot of knowledge in planting, however i did try planting sprouts when i was in elementary school, it's part of a science project that i was forced to do, to understand the growth and transformation etc etc.. nothing grand. ]

would i like If someone wants to give me a plant?
I am a guy so no I dont think I would like to have plants as gifts. UNLESS it is carnivorous plant, you know those that eat insects.


Subjects that I dont like to study in school?
When did I learn it? For how long?
Who taught them?
Why I dont like them?

[subjects i dont like to study in school is science! particularly chemistry! because it's so formulaic, and calculated, predictable, and too much logics. i dint do well in my science subjects while i am still in highschool because i prefer arts. that kind of explained why i am a graphic designer now as i prefer making things look refined, abstracts and appreciate the unexplained more. etc etc]


should teachers teach differently to help foster interest of students who do not like subjects?
[yeah definitely, i wished back then i would have a teacher who can tell me about leonardo davinci, the renaissance man's work, that may help captivate me in science subjects through arts.

its important to bridge student's interest than being textbook based. the teaching method should be unique to each student and should identify their interest and teach them through their passion.]

should there be unconventional classes for teachers, like teaching driving in school, and more examples?
[ yeah of course, that may help the children to find their unique passion earlier, for example if driving was taught in school, students may find interest in mechanical engineering through driving iatyoung age. students can also learn foreign languages through foreign musics too. more so, having scuba diving, or even sky diving classes in school can create a whole new horizon in learning too!

Re: Speaking 18 JAN | MELBOURNE

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:05 pm
by jija
This was the same topics in UK on 18 Jan

Re: Speaking 18 JAN | MELBOURNE

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:51 am
by robdrake
I got band 8 for this speaking.

I did well for others listening 8.5 reading 7.5 but writing as predicted fell short 6.0. I know why I dint do well on the writing due to bad time management.

Re: Speaking 18 JAN | MELBOURNE

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:43 am
by Chi
Hi Rob,

Sorry to hear that you didn't achieve what you targeted for. Wish you luck next time!


Re: Speaking 18 JAN | MELBOURNE

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:58 pm
by robdrake
Thanks for the well wishes Chi,

I do feel gutted, but I sort of see that coming for my writing as I invested too much time on part 2 and jeopardized part 1. and on reading i thought i could get an 8. i guess it is just one of those days my mind was cluttered.

I hope all aspiring ielts candidate will take note that timing is extremely crucial. please ensure there's time and focus to complete part 1.