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where you can find best ielts resources

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:57 am
by biki
Hello everyone,
if you are giving ielts in a short period of time and doesn't get enough time to practice then refer to the online ielts classes. there are number of videos but one of my favorite is the video by they have different teachers who will tell you about the vocabulary, coherence and many more. they are also on youtube. besides, you can also go through this website ... &Itemid=32
this website has sample of writings that would help you on how you write the essay or describe the graph.
i hope this helps some of you.
Thanks :D

Re: where you can find best ielts resources

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:59 am
by nut
Hi guys,

I just want to inform everyone who needs help with IELTS...I found this ONLINE COACHING/TUTORING SERVICE called EZ9. They are from the Philippines and is affiliated with NINER (apparently the top IELTS Review Center in the country). They offer ONLINE coaching services to IELTS test takers all over the globe.

Their system and coaching techniques are really effective....I wasnt that good and confident before I met them, but after some few weeks of sessions, I gained some skills and became creative with my answers, hence, I passed, finally! :D

Just like my friends who were enrolled with EZ9 (successful IELTS EXAMINEES now, refered ez9 to me), I would like people to know that there is a service such as this whose people are willing and persistent on helping people improve on English skills....what i love about them is that they have this perseverance to make people learn so much in an hour or two without putting so much stress.

EZ9's website is:

For the IELTS test takers, especially to the ones struggling, I hope this helps.

Re: where you can find best ielts resources

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:04 am
by petryworn
Check out the amazing slideshare presentations at There are also English proficiency training.

Here's a secret I would like to share: There is no effective IELTS book if you are not giving ample time in your IELTS training.

Re: where you can find best ielts resources

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:53 am
by ok2go
Use reputable sources e.g. Cambridge series of books for IELTS practice, to make sure these are similar to the real test, or go to the official websites e.g. or british council. Then compare the other websites to this format.

Here are a few important tips to stop you losing marks and getting a lower score than you could. These tips apply for higher than band 6.

Be aware that many IELTS websites do NOT have very realistic practice questions and some are more like TOEFL than IELTS. Also be aware that many IELTS 'sample' answers on various websites are NOT particularly good examples for higher band scores.


There are many practice tests availble in books, with answers.

Practice using your time wisely and don't get lost in the listening test: be proactive
Focus on the purpose of the text, and the structure of the text/conversation as well as on the details
You don't need to understand everything to get a good score (but it helps)


The best practice is to do practice tests, within the allotted time, and get feedback from a native like language teacher
Use clear paragraphs with a variety of joining and sequencing phrases: but don't be mechanical in how you use language … e.g. first, second, third etc.
Develop one major idea in each body paragraph
Have an introduction and conclusion of appropriate length
Use a variety of more complex vocabulary and grammar constructions – don't focus only on being correct, without also being varied in your expression
DO NOT write less than the suggested minium number of words – you will be penalized. Write at least 50 words more than the minimum.
Plan before writing.... you don't have time to start again and this is not like a computer test where you can cut and paste

Task 1:
If it is a graph or table, make sure you cover most of the key data, including not only the trends, but also some of the specific figures or numbers.
If it is a diagram, make sure you describe all the key stages of the process or key aspects of the change.
You should provide a clear overview of the data/trends/stages at the start or end of your response.
Task 2:
Task 2 is weighted more heavily than Task 1, so leave sufficient time to write a good response
Make sure you answer all parts of the question (analyse what you are asked to do carefully)
Provide example or evidence for your main points
Give an opinion and justify it

Look for the offical websites or Cambridge books to provide the clearest similar practice tasks to the types of questions asked in the writing test. (I am not affiliate with them!!)


t is harder to find good resources for practice. A partner is useful.
Practice responding to sample speaking questions, and recording your responses
Listen to your responses and work out what you can improve
If the examiner stops you, seems disinterested, or appears to disagree with your ideas, do not let it matter. Just continue.... content is not much relevant to your score and the examiner has timing constraints.

you can search youtube for speaking tips e.g. search for ielts6plus

You can see some sample speaking questions on the above official sites ... just search for british council IELTS and sample tests

Good luck