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post your ideas

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:24 am
by Bekhruz
Nowadays as a part of the educational process students are working for a company for a short period of time without pay. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this? Give your own opinion.
Please post ur ideas and questions here

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:24 am
by sandeep2206
Students nowadays are opting internships right after their studies. Even though, students does not get paid, they are getting experienced through these internships. Some believe that it is a sheer waste of time where as others think it is useful. This essay will analyze both advantages and disadvantages of the internships for students.

On the one hand, internship will not be useful for some job interviews. As some companies does not count this kind of internship as work experience. So, internship will not assist student's career even after consuming his valuable time. For instance, my brother worked as a trainee electronic engineer in Veda Electronics with out any pay. When he applied to a job in Infotech, it did not take account of his work experience. This clearly shows that there will not be any use due to internship.

On the other hand, students can gain work experience swiftly through this internship. It is very difficult to get work experience soon after graduation. Companies prefer to see internship rather than a gap in resume. So, this kind of swift work experience will impress corporate companies. For example when I approached Accel company for a job, they said work experience in a prestigious company like DRDO has added value to my resume. This clearly demonstrates how salary less work experience is advantageous to students.

All in all, after the above discussion it is strongly believed that work experience with out salary have more advantages than disadvantages due to the gain of valuable work experience. It is advised that students should jump at internships whilst they are studying.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:55 pm
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:Students nowadays are opting to take internships right after their studies. Even though the student does not get paid, they are gaining experience through these internships. Some believe that it is a sheer waste of time whereas others think it is useful. This essay will analyze both advantages and disadvantages of internships for students.

On the one hand, internships are not useful for some jobs, as some companies do not count this kind of work as work experience. So, an internship may not assist the student's career even after consuming his valuable time. For instance, my brother worked as trainee electronic engineer in Veda Electronics without any pay. When he applied to a job in Infotech, it did not take account of his work experience. This clearly shows that there may not be any value to an internship.

On the other hand, students can gain work experience swiftly through internships. It is very difficult to get work experience immediately after graduation. Companies prefer to see an internship rather than a gap in the resume. So, this kind of work experience will likely impress corporate companies. For example, when I approached Accel for a job, they said work experience in a prestigious company like DRDO has added value to my resume. This clearly demonstrates how unpaid work experience is advantageous to students.

All in all, after the above discussion it is strongly believed that work experience without pay has more advantages than disadvantages due to the valuable work experience it is possible to gain. It is advised that students should jump at internships whilst they are studying.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:41 am
by sandeep2206
thanks flick, I will try to rectify those mistakes.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:39 am
by sandeep2206
Some people work for the same organization all their working life. Others think that it is better to work for different organizations. Discuss both these views and give you own opinion.

Working for different organizations is increasingly happening nowadays. Some employees think that it is a wise decision in terms of career and salary. Contrarily, others think that working in the same organization is far better than working for different organisations. Both of these arguments will be analyzed in this essay.

To begin with, some prefer sticking to the same organization through out their life. It is believed by them that organisation will take care of employees if they render services honestly to the organisations. For example, my uncle worked in Vizag Steel Plant for thirty years very sincerely and in favor, He was not only honored by a felicitation, he was also gifted a house by the organisation. He always says that, he was treated well by the company due to his commitment towards a single organisation. This clearly shows that people stick to the same organization due to respecting and caring nature of organisations towards long term employees.

However, there are many people who believe that changing organisation at appropriate time will not only give salary hike but also career advancement. When people change the organization, they do some research and apply for the organisation which has scope for career growth, so most of the people who move to different organization finds an opportunity to advance in their career. For instance, my friend moved to a different organisation a year ago and now, he is being paid higher than our company employees who have similar job profile. Moreover, he is likely to get a promotion in the company. This clearly demonstrates why some people gravitate towards changing an organization in their working life.

In conclusion, after analyzing both the point of views, I believe that changing an organisation is far better than sticking to the same organization, as there is a lot of scope for career and financial growth. But, people should refrain themselves in changing too many jobs, as that may have a negative impact on their career.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:27 am
by sandeep2206
Reality in books and movies will certainly draw a lot of attention from people. However, people have varied interests when coming to reading books. It is disagreed with the statement that people should only read books pertaining to reality and real life events. This essay will analyze the reasons for it.

To begin with, not every one is interested in books based on reality. People even find it boring as there is not much place for creativity in such kind of books. In general, this kind of books depict the reality of incidents happened to a person or events in a society. For example my brother is always reluctant to study magazine which reports real life incidents happening at war zones and terrorist attacks in this world. His disinterest is due to the monotonic articles based on the crime which does not have much room for creativity. This clearly illustrates why few people are not inclined towards these kind of books.

Also, there are many readers who are eager to read good books from various genres. There are various well-written books in many categories. Each of them are popular for a different reason, it is plausible if people want to read such kind of books. For instance, I am more into science-fiction and fantasy books. I always admire the creativity which takes readers in to a new world merely just through words. In this way some people will definitely have specific kind of interest different from reality based books. This clearly shows why people gravitate towards other genre books available in the market.

All in all, after analyzing disinterest of the people in the reality based books and interest in other genres, it is strongly believed that everyone does not have to read the books based on real life incidents, events etc. However, people should definitely try this kind of books if they have interest, as these genre books definitely have their specialty which entertains many readers.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:02 am
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:Some people work for the same organization all their working life. Others think that it is better to work for different organizations. Discuss both these views and give you own opinion.

Working for different organizations is increasingly happening nowadays.(<--Reword to: "Working for different organizations throughout one's career is becoming increasingly common.") Some employees think that it is a wise decision in terms of career and salary. Contrarily, others think that working in the same organization is far better than working for different organizations. Both of these arguments will be analyzed in this essay.

To begin with, some prefer sticking with the same organization throughout their life. They believe that the organization will take care of employees if they render services honestly to the organization. For example, my uncle worked in Vizag Steel Plant for thirty years. He was not only honored by a celebration at his retirement, he was also gifted a house by the organization. He always says that he was treated well by the company due to his commitment towards a single organization. This clearly shows that people stick to the same organization due to the respecting and caring nature of organizations towards long term employees.

However, there are many people who believe that changing organization at appropriate time will not only mean a salary hike but also career advancement. When people change organizations, they do some research and apply at the organization which has scope for career growth, so most of the people who move to a different organization find an opportunity to advance in their career. For instance, my friend moved to a different organization a year ago and now, he is being paid more than our company employees who have a similar job profile. Moreover, he is likely to get a promotion in that company. This clearly demonstrates why some people gravitate towards changing where they work during their working life.

In conclusion, after analyzing both the point of views, I believe that changing companies is far better than sticking to the same organization, as there is a lot of scope for career and financial growth. However, people should refrain from changing jobs too often, as that may have a negative impact on their career.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:24 am
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:Reality in books and movies certainly draws a lot of attention from people. However, people have varied interests when it comes to reading books. It is disagreed that people should only read books pertaining to reality and real life events. This essay will analyze the reasons for this opinion.

To begin with, not everyone is interested in books based on reality. Some people find it boring as there is not much place for creativity in those kinds of books. In general, this kind of book depicts the reality of incidents that have happened to a person or events in a society. For example, my brother is always reluctant to read magazines which report real life incidents happening in war zones and terrorist attacks. His disinterest is due to the monotonic articles based on crime which does not have much room for creativity. This clearly illustrates why few people are inclined towards these kind of books.

Also, there are many readers who are eager to read good books from various genres. There are well-written books in many categories. Each of them are popular for different reasons, so it is plausible for people to want to read these books. For instance, I am into science-fiction and fantasy books. I always admire the creativity which takes readers to a new world merely through words. In this way, some people have specific interests not related to reality based books. This clearly shows why people gravitate towards other genres available on the market.

All in all, after analyzing the disinterest of people in reality based books, and interest in other genres, it is strongly believed that not everyone has to read books based on real life incidents, events, etc. However, people should definitely try this kind of book if they have interest, as this genre definitely has its specialty, which entertains many readers.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:20 am
by sandeep2206
thanks flick

Most of us are very specific when it comes to our sweet home. Even though there may be a compromise in other interests, people are very particular about living in the best one they can get. Thus,the first question which haunts them whilst searching for a house is : which one is better, living in an independent house or an apartment ? . Even though living in a house is a popular opinion, there are many people who are reluctant to live in a house due to few shortcomings. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of living in a house.

To begin with, living in an independent house is always comfortable and pleasant. Moreover, these houses are very spacious with a scope of gardening in the front or back yard. There will be abundant space for parking in the front yard when compared to the apartments. It suits very well for the people who need a peaceful and calm place to live. Especially, elders will like living in the houses due to its calm and peaceful nature. Another major advantage living in the houses is it is easy to avoid quarrels and arguments with neighbors. As people living in the houses will not have an opportunity to meet everyone in the surroundings, the chances of having an argument with them are much less when compared to apartments.

On the other hand, living in a house will cost an arm and a leg.Nowadays, house prices are soaring so high that a middle class family cannot afford it. In addition, another major shortcoming in houses is isolation. People living in independent houses cannot have social gatherings like apartments. Moreover, houses are not secure places when compared to the apartments. The probability of a robbery in apartments is much less when compared to the houses due to tight security and huge population.

All in all, after analyzing both advantages and disadvantages of the houses, it is believed that living in houses is more advantageous when compared to apartments. However, people have to stay secure by fixing a strong security system when living in the houses.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:43 pm
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote: Most of us are very specific when it comes to our sweet home. Even though we may compromise in other interests, people are very particular about living in the best way they can. Thus, the first question which haunts them whilst searching for a house is: which one is better, living in an independent house or an apartment? Even though living in a house is a popular opinion, there are many people who are reluctant to live in a house due to some shortcomings. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of living in a house.

To begin with, living in an independent house is always comfortable and pleasant. Moreover, these houses are very spacious with a scope for gardening in the front or back yard. There will be abundant space for parking in the front yard when compared to apartments. It suits people who need a peaceful and calm place to live. Elders, especially, like living in houses due to the calm and peaceful nature. Another major advantage of living in a house is it is easy to avoid quarrels and arguments with neighbors. As people living in houses will not have an opportunity to meet everyone in the surroundings, the chances of having an argument with neighbors are much lower when compared to apartments.

On the other hand, living in a house costs an arm and a leg. Nowadays, house prices are soaring so high that a middle class family cannot afford it. In addition, another major shortcoming in houses is isolation. People living in independent houses cannot have social gatherings like those living in apartments. Moreover, houses are not secure places when compared to apartments. The probability of a robbery in an apartment is much lower when compared to houses due to tight security and large population.

All in all, after analyzing both advantages and disadvantages of living in houses compared with apartments, it is believed that living in houses is more advantageous. However, people have to stay secure by building a strong security system when living in a house.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:56 am
by sandeep2206
It is widely seen that youngsters nowadays are ignoring suggestions from elders. However, they should definitely learn the importance of elders' knowledge. I completely disagree with the statement that there is nothing that can be learnt from older people. This can be proved by analyzing management of relations with people and importance of culture.

Firstly, elders are good at maintaining relations when compared to youngsters. As people are becoming isolated nowadays, the only ray of hope is guidance from elders. In general, old people know the importance of the friends and family. Their experience will teach them a lot about the significance of friends and family in their life, so they always give high priority to maintain good relations with friends and family. Youngsters should certainly learn it from elders. For instance, my grand father always keeps in touch with his wide circle of friends and relatives. He always used to say to me that a person's fame and worth can only be known by his friends and associates. This clearly shows how old people can teach the importance of personal relations to younger generation.

Secondly, learning about their own culture and tradition is significant for everyone. Every community will have their own culture and tradition. Elders have a responsibility to pass on these cultural values to the next generation. Also, they are the only scope for learning about the tradition and culture of the community. Take the example of a tradition that happens in Vihara village located near Vizag city in India. Every fourth Saturday, elders just sit near the temple and preach about the culture and history of the village to youngsters. This clearly demonstrates how elders can teach about their culture to youngsters.

All in all, after analyzing the tradition and culture alongside with the importance of relations, it is clearly understood that youngsters have a lot to learn from aged people. It is hoped that elders fulfill their responsibility successfully by channeling the younger generation into right path.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:23 am
by sandeep2206
A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Both arts and environment are the areas which are neglected by people. However, environment is the one which is being destroyed by mankind even though he is not involved in its creation. People have a responsibility to conserve both of them for future generations. However, if the company has to choose only one, then protecting the environment is the best option. This can be proved by analyzing the importance of environment for the survival of mankind and protecting the most valuable resources.

To begin with, protection of environment is very critical for the survival of mankind. It is not only invaluable but also irreparable. Also, further destruction of environment cannot be afforded by mankind. The depletion of ozone layer is the best example that can be quoted to illustrate the importance of the environment. A huge number of Australians are suffering from skin cancers and skin diseases due to the depletion of ozone layer. In addition, floods, acid rains etc are the examples for the destruction of environment. In order to avoid these kind of threats in future, society has a responsibility to protect the environment. Thus, it is very much important to protect the environment.

Also, mankind has a responsibility to protect these valuable resources for future generations. Environment is the combination of various kinds of valuable resources gifted to the human world. People should go as far as they can to protect these valuable resources in this environment. Already,human beings made many animals and plants extinct. Thus, it is high time for protecting the flora and fauna. For instance, a year ago,there was a huge campaigning to save tigers in India which are in endangered zone. Indian government has allotted funds and promoted it well to bring awareness about this issue.Thus, it is clear that protecting environment is very critical to save the valuable natural resources.

All in all, after analyzing both survival of mankind and protection of the valuable resources, it is strongly believed that company should allot the money for the protection of environment. Moreover, It is hoped that after seeing this company many other companies would come forward to protect the valuable environment.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:57 pm
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:It is widely seen that youngsters nowadays are ignoring suggestions from elders. However, they should definitely learn the importance of elders' knowledge. I completely disagree with the statement that there is nothing to be learnt from older people. This can be proved by analyzing the management of relationships with people and the importance of culture.

Firstly, elders are good at maintaining relationships when compared to youngsters. As people are becoming increasingly isolated, the only ray of hope is guidance from elders. In general, old people know the importance of friends and family. Their experience has taught them a lot about the significance of friends and family in their life, so they always give high priority to maintaining good relations with friends and family. Youngsters should certainly learn this from their elders. For instance, my grandfather always keeps in touch with his wide circle of friends and relatives. He always used to say to me that a person's fame and worth can only be known by his friends and associates. This clearly shows how old people can teach the importance of personal relationships to younger generations.

Secondly, learning about their own culture and tradition is significant for everyone. Every community will have their own culture and traditions. Elders have a responsibility to pass on these cultural values to the next generation. Also, they are the only scope for learning about the traditions and culture of the community. Take the example of a tradition that happens in Vihara village located near Vizag city in India. Every fourth Saturday, elders sit near the temple and preach about the culture and history of the village to youngsters. This clearly demonstrates how elders can teach their culture to youngsters.

All in all, after analyzing tradition and culture alongside the importance of relations, it is clearly understood that youngsters have a lot to learn from aged people. It is hoped that elders fulfill their responsibility successfully by channeling the younger generation onto the right path.

Re: post your ideas

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:18 pm
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Both the arts and the environment are areas which are neglected by people. However, the environment is the one which is being destroyed by mankind even though he is not involved in its creation. People have a responsibility to conserve both for future generations. However, if the company has to choose only one, then protecting the environment is the best option. This can be proved by analyzing the importance of the environment for the survival of mankind and protecting our most valuable resources.

To begin with, protection of the environment is very critical for the survival of mankind. It is not only invaluable but also irreparable. Also, further destruction of the environment cannot be afforded by mankind. The depletion of the ozone layer is the best example that can be quoted to illustrate the importance of the environment. A huge number of Australians are suffering from skin cancers and skin diseases due to the depletion ofthe ozone layer. In addition, floods, acid rains, etc are further examples of the result of destroying the environment. In order to avoid these kind of threats in future, society has a responsibility to protect the environment. Thus, it is very importantant to protect the environment.

Also, mankind has a responsibility to protect these valuable resources for future generations. The environment is a combination of various kinds of valuable resources gifted to the human world. People should go as far as they can to protect these valuable resources in the environment. Already, human beings have made many animals and plants extinct. Thus, it is high time we start protecting the flora and fauna. For instance, a year ago, there was a huge campaign to save endangered tigers in India. The Indian government has allotted funds and promoted this campaign well to bring awareness about this issue. Thus, it is clear that protecting the environment is very critical to save valuable natural resources.

All in all, after analyzing both the survival of mankind and the protection of valuable resources, it is strongly believed that the company should allot the money to the protection of the environment. Moreover, it is hoped that after seeing this company's actions, many other companies would come forward to protect the valuable environment.