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Using academic vocabulary accurately when writing/speaking

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:26 am
by Ryan
Hi everyone,

I've pulled together a quick video to outline how to use the following nine words accurately. I'm started this thread to allow for the practice of these words and discussion of other academic vocabulary that can be helpful for IELTS.

Here are the words from the video and my suggested use. Please feel free to experiment with this vocabulary in this thread:

1. precursor
• (S)“My interest in geography was the precursor to my studies in cartography.”
• (W)“Thus, this example makes it clear that a university education acts as a precursor to career growth.”

2. catalyze
• (S)“The people I meet at business networking evenings in my city often catalyze professional opportunities.”
• (W) “Firstly, uniforms act as a catalyst for better classroom behaviour among students.”

3. linear
• (S) “My plans for the future are fairly linear. I’m completing my undergraduate degree now and intend to follow this with a master’s. Education is, therefore, in my foreseeable future.”
• (W T1) “The trend depicted between the months of February and June shows linear growth from 20 XYZ to 75 XYZ.”
• (W T2) “Thus, the progression from an educated background to a high level of business success is often linear.”

4. correlate
• (S)“Actually, the career progression of my sister positively correlates with mine. After she left our hometown, she also experienced a significant growth in employment opportunities.”
• (W T1) “The rise in automobile prices in 2008 is negatively correlated with automobile sales for the same year.”

5. avenue
• (S) “My father encouraged me to study languages, and this has opened up certain avenues for friendship I would not have otherwise had. For example, I have several close Japanese-speaking friends.”
• (W) “Firstly, studying a foreign language opens avenues for employment. For instance, …”

6. afford
• (S) “My university grades afforded me the opportunity to study abroad.”
• (W) “For example, the Chinese economic system has afforded the PRC unprecedented financial growth over the past three decades.”

7. actionable
• (S) “My university professor gave me several actionable pieces of advice. But most noteworthy was his suggestion that I focus my studies on North African history, as I was both interested in it and am of Tunisian ancestry.”
• (W) “Firstly, the actionable nature of the skills learned at university is clear. For instance, humanities programs like philosophy, English literature and history push students to exhibit logical progression in their thinking and writing. As these organized thought patterns are often the basis of success in business, it is clear that a link exists between the skills learned at university and the ability one has to accomplish a professional goal.”

8. embody
• (S) “My father is an embodiment of a traditional military upbringing. He does everything by routine.”
• (W) “Firstly, technology in the classroom has undeniable links to academic performance. The use of tablets in Korean classrooms embodies this idea perfectly.”

9. fortify
• (S) “I’m taking courses in the evening after work to fortify my professional skills.”
• (W) “Thus, the fact that successful attempts are being made by other developing countries to replicate China’s growth fortifies the argument that the Chinese economic model is one that accelerates the elimination of poverty in undeveloped nations.”

Re: Using academic vocabulary accurately when writing/speaki

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:43 pm
by Ryan
Here's another vocabulary video.

Here is the vocabulary and example uses as they appear in the video:

1. on par

• (S) “I’m diligent and I am not afraid of hard work. My grades last semester were on par with the best students in my program, so I feel it would be accurate to say I am motivated by success.”

• (W) “After looking at both sides of this discussion, my personal sentiments are on par with the idea that strict parental control produces a more productive member of society.”

2. volatile

• (S) “My professional schedule has been quite volatile this past year. I’ve thus found it difficult to maintain hobbies. I tend to exercise when I can, but I wouldn’t say there is a regular pattern to it.”

• (W T1) “The figures exhibit volatility between the years 1996 and 2000; however, a reversion to stability is seen in 2002.”

• (W T2) “For example, the volatile nature of weather in Caribbean countries can make tourism industries unpredictable and, therefore, unreliable. For these countries, providing people with greater access to the Internet would empower workers and allow them to both educate themselves and develop online businesses in the services sector. Thus, because a varied economy promotes stability, tourist dependent countries should do what they can to establish other industries.”

3. plateau

• (S) “When I first started studying English in Australia, my skills grew rapidly. However, after I returned to my home country, my language abilities unfortunately plateaued/hit a plateau. I attribute this to the fact that I did not have anyone to practice English with.”

• (W T1) “Following rapid growth from 60 to 180 barrels in the first month of 2002, corn oil production hit a plateau of 200 barrels between February and April. In May, however, the trend once again reverts to climbing and reaches the highest point for the year at 275 barrels.”

4. pique

• (S) “After visiting a science and technology museum as a child, my interest in computer programming was piqued.”

• (W T2) “Firstly, technology can pique the interest of students in a way that encourages focus and information retention. For example, modern university lecture halls make it possible for classrooms in Canada to use music, video and the Internet as a means of maintaining the attention of students during class time.”

5. contrary

• (S) “Contrary to my personality, my sister is very outgoing and tends to make friends easily.”

• (W) “On the contrary, several disadvantages stem from the use of technology in the classroom.”

6. parallel

• (S) “My university experiences paralleled those of my brother.”

• (S) “There are clear parallels between my university experiences and those of my brother.”

• (W TI) “Firstly, several parallels exist between Harry Potter and other fantasy series you likely have enjoyed. If you liked the setting of The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter will not disappoint you, as it takes place in a medieval world richly populated by both humans and other forms of intelligent life.”

7. embrace

• (S) “I embraced the opportunity to study abroad.”

• (W) “Thus, it is clear that students who embrace the study of another language are positioning themselves for future academic and professional opportunities.”

8. hinder

• (S) “Distraction has definitely been a challenge for me. Being social, I feel, is a big part of the university experience. However, being too social can hinder a student’s ability to focus, and this can directly impact academic performance.”

• (W) “Firstly, addressing corruption around the world can bring protection to the rights of the poor, and this helps better the economic situation of those in need. For example, corruption in China has historically hindered the development of a legal system able to protect the poor against extortion. However, recent anti-corruption campaigns have shed some light on this problem, and this has led to modest improvement in the rights of those that lack wealth.”

9. retain

• (S) “Yes, I believe I will someday. I’ve travelled quite a bit, but I’ve always retained a feeling that I’d like to live in my home country long term.”

• (W) “Firstly, if a single language is spoken and taught the world over, this could make it difficult for people to retain their cultural identity.”