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Kindly assess : General writing task 2

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:11 am
by aujla.kuldeep
In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others considered it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibilities.

Discuss both sides of these views and give your opinion.

Child labour is a common and very important issue to argue all over the world. It has been observed in many countries that kids are involved in labour work. On one hand, many people believe that, this is good for children's practical learning and to make them responsible, however this is refuted by others. These arguments will be weighed prior to reaching to a reasoned conclusion.

It is felt by many that the children who are involved in paid work tends to be more responsible towards family. Moreover this add valuable work experience under their belt. Take a kid working in cloth shop for instance, working in such shop not only teach them how to treat the customers but also help them to earn some money. This example makes it clear that working in early age teach practical aspects of life and enable the child to help family financially. It is easy to see why this argument has garnered a lot of support.

In contrast, many other think that a child with work pressure cannot find enough time for education which is more important than work at any stage of the life. For instance, the person with good education can have more carrier opportunities and can earn higher wages than a less educated person. This is obvious from this example that education makes people more capable and they can take even more responsibilities at later stages of their life. Thus, the theory of earning money as a kid and gaining knowledge without concepts is hard to digest.

After analysing both point of views, it is believed that education is more essential for a child than paid work. It is hard to see how anyone could support the child labour. It has been proven, that work at early stage of life doesn't have long term benefits. It would be good if people supporting child labour think about the other aspects and take appropriate actions against this.