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Folks improve my grammar in Task2 essay

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:11 pm
by sos1947
In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.


In spite of, technology advancement one may experience cultural difference among nations. Needless to say, it can be argued that there are cultural differences in raising a child. On one hand, in some culture, the parent enforce strict rules on their children, in others the children have a lot of freedom and are allowed to make their own choice. Undoubtedly, both style of upbringing has some advantages, this essay will be discussing it in more detail and present author's opinion.

Indubitably, the obvious advantage of parents controlling their children is that such children make fewer mistakes in their childhood. Without any doubt, such children do not experience problems in making tough decisions because their parents assist them. Illustrating this from the fact that due to strict rules of conduct the children seldom get into bad habits such as smoking or drugs. Thus, children in such culture lead a very comfortable and safe lifestyle.

On the other hand, the children who are exposed to harsh realities of making choices in their life, tend to become more stable in future. Although, such children make mistakes and pay for it but in due course of time they can easily handle any challenge and beat it. Further, such children excel in the field of their choice as they are given a platform by the system and encouraged to pursue their likings. Needless to say, such children become better leaders in the future.

Summing up, it is clear that there are advantages to both styles of raising a child. However, I believe some adult supervision is required to make sure a child does not make a fatal mistake. I believe a hybrid style of upbringing would create a better system, where children are given enough freedom but are guided by parents when required.

Re: Folks improve my grammar in Task2 essay

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:39 pm
by Flick
sos1947 wrote:In some cultures, children are expected to follow very strict rules of behaviour. In other cultures, children are allowed to do almost anything they want. What are the merits of each opinion? What is your position on the matter? Include relevant examples in your response.


In spite of technological advancements, one may experience cultural differences between nations. Needless to say, it can be argued that there are cultural differences in raising a child. On one hand, in some cultures, the parent enforces strict rules on their children, while in others the children have a lot of freedom and are allowed to make their own choices. Undoubtedly, both styles of upbringing have some advantages, this essay will be discussing these advantages in more detail and present the author's opinion.

Indubitably, the obvious advantage of parents controlling their children is that such children make fewer mistakes in their childhood. Without any doubt, such children do not experience problems in making tough decisions because their parents assist them. Illustrating this is the fact that, due to strict rules of conduct, the children seldom get into bad habits such as smoking or drugs. Thus, children in such cultures lead a very comfortable and safe lifestyle.

On the other hand, the children who are exposed to harsh realities of making choices in their life tend to become more stable in the future. Although such children make mistakes and pay for those mistakes, in due course they learn how to easily handle any challenge and beat it. Further, such children excel in the field of their choice as they are given a platform by the system and encouraged to pursue their interests. Needless to say, such children become better leaders in the future.

Summing up, it is clear that there are advantages to both styles of raising a child. However, I believe some adult supervision is required to make sure a child does not make a fatal mistake. I believe a hybrid style of upbringing would create a better system, where children are given enough freedom to experiment, but are guided by parents when required.