Writing section: Task 2 essays

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Writing section: Task 2 essays

Post by zalak »

Hello All,

Following is my work in Task 2 essays.

Essay 1 (343 words)
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Task 2_1.png (58.24 KiB) Viewed 415 times
It need not always be about getting paid for a thing one does. At times it’s about human morals, social responsibility and kindness.

I strongly support this statement. High school kids are in their teenage period wherein they get fussy about a lot of things and so does their behavior towards things. With such a mandatory service, they’ll get to learn their social responsibility, get a grip on their behavior and channel their thoughts.

Having personally being a part of an NGO for the blind, I realized the pain and suffering they go through due to this disability. As a part of my service, I had to collect as much as I can from the maximum number of people I can. In the same process, I also had to share facts and educate them on this disability. At the end of the service, I not only did collect a good amount for the noble cause, but I also succeeded in imparting knowledge to a lot of people about blindness, the help donating funds and eyes can help such people.

During this service I was exposed to a different world where people are struggling to live a normal life and this matured my visions and thoughts on helping the needy people. At the same time I also explored my hidden talents of convincing people to donate for such noble causes and also opening up to a new set of unknown people to socialize and spread information about such things or just get to know each other.

This was just one of my experiences that ignited the inner me to help the needy. I strongly do believe that if high school kids are made to undergo such services, not only will they evolve to be good and respected citizens of the country, but also avoid having thoughts or acts like robbery, crimes that will spoil their future. Such services will also boost their CV and expose them to the value of money. I really hope to see this implemented in high schools at the earliest.

Essay 2 (268 words)
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Task 2_3.png (60.05 KiB) Viewed 415 times
It is truly said by someone that, “A healthy body needs a healthy mind and vice versa”. But with the pace at which we have witnessed and accepted changes in our ways of living, we have also witnessed deterioration in the healthy bodies.

Those people believing that sports and sporting facilities result in a healthier body are correct in believing so because science and technology has proved that a human body can benefit from sports in a number of ways. Swimming for example helps people build good stamina and is also a skill to save one from drowning in water. Cycling, another sport, helps people to become tall and strengthen their legs.

Saying so, those against the development of sporting facility are also right on their part. Science and technology has also proved and paved ways for non-sporting activities to be benefiting the human body and mind. Yoga, meditation performed in an open or quite place helps a person to develop stamina, attain good body resistance and strengthen the brain. Walking in a garden, another non-sporting activity helps people to loose weight, burn down calories, etc. These are just two of the many other non-sporting activity I know of that can help every person to have a good health.

I would conclude saying that having a healthy body is what matter to do a lot of productive things. Ways to attain it maybe different. So, if with sporting facilities, garden with open exercise spots, if would benefit both sports and non-sport fans and would be a very good alternative to crashing in front of the TV every evening.

Looking forward to your comments and marking on my work in this post and the previous one with Task 1 essays.

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