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Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 12:52 pm
by sandeep2206
As the number of private cars has increased, so too has the level of pollution in many cities. What can be done to tackle this increasingly common problem?

Pollution is one of the ever increasing problems caused by mankind. It is high time to solve the issue. In order to tackle this problem, government should start a huge campaign and also enforce strict laws against pollution. This essay will explore how these solutions can tackle the issue.

Firstly, awareness plays a key role in solving this global issue. Thus, government should campaign on pollution and its effects. As a result, public would mend their lifestyle to mitigate the pollution. Take the example of Kolleru lake, it was actually polluted by the people living in neighboring villages. However, after the government campaigning, public realized the importance of the lake and started protecting it from pollution. This kind of change can be expected from a strong campaign of a government. Hence, it is strongly believed that educating public plays a key role in fighting the pollution.

Secondly, government should design and implement strong laws against pollution. Then, people will not risk to pollute the environment as there are strong laws protecting it. For instance, in a village near Ooty in India, there are strict laws protecting the environment. In this village, if a person drives a motor vehicle in the vehicle-free zone, he will be heavily fined. This kind of strong policies made the village completely free from pollution. Likewise, every government should start implementing strict laws wherever necessary to solve the issue. This clearly demonstrates why strict laws are needed to protect the environment from pollution.

All in all, after the above analysis, it is evident that government"s campaigning and strict law enforcement are necessary to fight over the pollution. Hence, it is hoped that political leaders will realize the importance of this issue and take these aforementioned initiatives to protect the environment for our future generations.

Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:31 am
by sandeep2206
Health is definitely the most critical aspect in a person's life. Most people depend on private health care to lead a healthy life. Even though there are some advantages like partial or complete cover for medical expenses, there are some drawbacks like burden of unexpected bill payments and high premiums which outweigh the advantages. This essay will clearly analyse both the drawbacks.

Firstly, most common compliant from the private health care customers is unexpected bill payments, which are not covered by the private health insurance companies. Most people do not prefer to take comprehensive health policies due to high premiums. Even in comprehensive policies, there are possible situations where the member does not get covered for all their expenses. However, if a customer takes any other policy, he will not be covered for all kinds of hospital treatments. Thus, in most of the cases, customer ends up paying huge amount of money for their hospital bills. For instance, my brother's bill was rejected by an insurance provider stating that he did not provide the details about his diabetes in his membership agreement . Thus, he paid the bill himself for his kidney operation, even though he had health care membership. This clearly shows that medical insurance policy will not come handy every time.

Secondly, high premiums is the reason why some people do not prefer to be a member of health insurance companies. Even the basic cover is very much expensive, nowadays. Hence, only higher and upper middle class families can afford for health insurance policies. For instance, my father had left the policy last year as he could not afford it any more. Even though this might look a bit risky, people can save some money if they do not enroll in these policies. Practically, it is a better solution,as private health insurance companies are robbing poor and middle class families on the name of premiums and bringing them to the streets. Thus, this is a disadvantage in regard as people will lose money on the name of premiums. Therefore, families can save some money by avoiding these kind of policies.

All in all, after the analyzing over priced premiums and unexpected bill payment burden, it is evident that why health care insurance is disadvantageous. At least in future, it is hoped that private companies would consider financially weak families and make the policy premiums cheaper.

Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:25 am
by sandeep2206
There are different opinions on government's fund allocation on arts. Whilst some people believe that government wastes money on arts, others say that government should encourage arts by spending more money on it. It is agreed that government should encourage arts by allocating funds to it. This essay will demonstrate why spending money on arts is not wastage of money.

Firstly, it is argued that arts have been used to save the cultural heritage for future generations. Many forms of arts like dance, acting, music reminds the history and cultural aspects of ancestors to the present generation. By the way of illustration, Bharatanatyam, a popular ancient dance form, has been used by South Indians to narrate their history to the next generations. This clearly shows how dance is used as a medium to remind the culture and history of ancestors. Thus, it is evident that spending money on arts does not lead to any wastage of money.

Secondly, it is believed that arts are often used to entertain large number of audience. For instance, every year millions of people attend a classical music festival which is organised in southern part of India to enjoy the music of professional singers and musicians. This example clearly shows how arts can entertain huge number of people. Thus, spending money on arts is completely agreeable.

In conclusion, after analysing how arts are serving public by reminding the culture and also entertaining people, it is strongly believed that spending money on arts is not wastage. Thus, it is hoped that governments and public will be more supportive to the arts and encourage it financially.

Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:42 am
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:As the number of private cars has increased, so too has the level of pollution in many cities. What can be done to tackle this increasingly common problem?

Pollution is one of the ever-increasing problems caused by mankind. It is high time we solved this issue. In order to tackle this problem, the government should start a huge campaign(<--campaign for what?) and also enforce strict laws against pollution. This essay will explore how these solutions can tackle the issue.

Firstly, awareness plays a key role in solving this global issue. Thus, the government should campaign on pollution and its effects. As a result, the public might mend their lifestyle to mitigate the pollution they create. Take the example of Kolleru Lake. It was actually polluted by the people living in neighboring villages. However, after the government campaign, the public realized the importance of the lake and started protecting it from pollution. This kind of change can be expected from a strong campaign. Hence, it is strongly believed that educating the public plays a key role in fighting pollution.

Secondly, the government should design and implement strong laws against pollution. Then, people will not risk polluting the environment as there would be strong laws protecting it. For instance, in a village near Ooty in India, there are strict laws protecting the environment. In this village, if a person drives a motor vehicle in the vehicle-free zone, he will be heavily fined. This kind of strong policy has made the village completely free from pollution. Likewise, every government should start implementing strict laws wherever necessary to solve the issue. This clearly demonstrates why strict laws are needed to protect the environment from pollution.

All in all, after the above analysis, it is evident that government campaigns and strict law enforcement are necessary to fight pollution. Hence, it is hoped that political leaders will realize the importance of this issue and take these aforementioned initiatives to protect the environment for our future generations.

Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:52 am
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:Health is definitely the most critical aspect in a person's life. Most people depend on private health care to lead a healthy life. Even though there are some advantages like partial or complete cover for medical expenses, there are some drawbacks like burden of unexpected bill payments and high premiums which outweigh the advantages. This essay will clearly analyse both the drawbacks.

Firstly, the most common complaint from private health care customers is unexpected bill payments, which are not covered by the private health insurance companies. Most people do not take comprehensive health policies due to high premiums. Even in comprehensive policies, there are possible situations where the member is not covered for all their expenses. However, if a customer takes any other policy, he will not be covered for all kinds of hospital treatments. Thus, in most cases, the customer ends up paying a huge amount of money for their hospital bills. For instance, my brother's bill was rejected by an insurance provider, which stated that he did not provide the details about his diabetes in his membership agreement. Thus, he paid the bill himself for his kidney operation, even though he had health care membership. This clearly shows that medical insurance policies will not come in handy every time.

Secondly, high premiums is the reason why some people choose not purchase health insurance. Even the basic cover is very expensive, nowadays. Hence, only high and upper middle class families can afford health insurance policies. For instance, my father cancelled his policy last year as he could not afford it any more. Even though this might seem a bit risky, people can save some money if they do not enroll in these policies. Practically, it is a better solution, as private health insurance companies are robbing poor and middle class families in the name of premiums. Thus, this is a disadvantage as people will lose money in the name of premiums. Therefore, families can save some money by avoiding these kinds of policies.

All in all, after analyzing over-priced premiums and the burden of unexpected bills, it is evident that health care insurance is disadvantageous. At least in the future, it is hoped that private companies will consider financially weak families and make the policy premiums cheaper.

Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 3:02 am
by Flick
sandeep2206 wrote:There are different opinions on how the government allocates funds. Whilst some people believe that the government wastes money on arts, others say that the government should encourage arts by spending more money on it. It is agreed that the government should encourage the arts by allocating funds to it. This essay will demonstrate why spending money on the arts is not a waste of money.

Firstly, it is argued that the arts have been used to save our cultural heritage for future generations. Many forms of art, like dancing, acting, and music teach the history and cultural aspects of our ancestors to the present generation. By way of illustration, Bharatanatyam, a popular ancient dance form, has been used by South Indians to narrate their history to the next generations. This clearly shows how dance is used as a medium to remember the culture and history of our ancestors. Thus, it is evident that spending money on the arts is not a waste.

Secondly, it is believed that the arts are often used to entertain large audiences. For instance, every year millions of people attend a classical music festival which is organised in Southern India to enjoy the music of professional singers and musicians. This example clearly shows how arts can entertain a huge number of people. Thus, spending money on the arts is completely acceptable.

In conclusion, after analysing how the arts are serving the public by reminding us of our culture and also entertaining people, it is strongly believed that spending money on arts is not a waste. Thus, it is hoped that governments and the public will be more supportive of the arts and encourage it financially.

Re: Please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:29 pm
by sandeep2206
Thanks, Flick