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please assess my writing task 2

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:51 pm
by suju
Q. Nowadays people are purchasing more than they need. Is this a positive or a negative trend? Give your opinion and examples based on your experience and knowledge.

Many people love to buy things, even though if they are not really needed. Necessities of acquiring products differs personally .For me, I think possessing extra things is waste.The downside of buying unnecessary objects will be shown by how it waste money and spoils the habit.
Firstly, people spend their money in luxury trademarks. They want to achieve new brand car, fashionable cloths, latest gadgets.For instance,mostly the people in developed countries spend extra money ,particularly in high-brand things like, BMW,Range rover,Apple,Sony is considerably increasing in sense of competition, just to prove they are classier than others.Instead, they could have smartly invest money in what are more beneficial and more stable,such as in education or real estate.Thus, the illustration of purchasing unwanted products clearly shows it is a waste of fund.This is one reason ,that I think extra purchase is misuse of money.
Moreover, buying extravagance objects ruins habit.For example, many parents offer their baby with lots of play materials in sense of love and care ,in contrast this ultimately affects their habit.They may become more demanding .Such as, they will insist to buy latest trend Video games,piles of toys and many more.In spite of ,buying unwanted things parents can use this money to develop creative skills in their youngster like involving them in sports and dance school according to their interest .Thus, above description clarifies how unnecessary purchasing affect human behaviour .This is another reason, why I strongly believe extra purchase is negative trend.
In conclusion,as above makes clear ,there are several denying factors in over purchasing.Although , many of them love buying beyond their need, I personally accept that their is multiple disadvantages in extra purchase.Thus, buying things according to need is sensible .