Task 1

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Task 1

Post by Danibizz »

The table present the percentage of consumer expenditure divided by three different category in distinct countries in the year 2002.
The first column, depicts the amount of expense which is devolved for food drink and tobacco. Turkey is the most active country in this category with a percentage of 32,14%, followed by Ireland (28,91%) and Spain (18%).
Italy, which occupies only the fourth position, is instead at the top of the second column, with 9,00% of expenditure in clothing and footwear. The second position is struggled between Turkey Ireland and Spain, but we notice Turkey emerging with a higher result (6,63) against 6,51% of Spain and 6,43% of Ireland.
Talking about Leisure and Education, which represents the last category, we can see that the highest expend comes from Turkey (4,39%), followed by Sweden with 3,22% whereas Spain hit a low with 1,98%.

The situation summarized by the table shows that Turkey is the country that spends the most, achieving a high position in all the groups. Conversely, we find out that Sweden has a general low consumption attitude.
Every country devolves the highest percentage on food drinks and tobacco and only Italy has a relevant expenditure in terms of clothing and footwear
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