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please assess my essay4, please guys help me

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:24 pm
by ahmad umar
Some people feels schools should be responsible for providing lunch to primary and secondary students. Others think parents should send their children to school with box lunches at home
Analyse both positions
It is very important that young people should eat healthy meals when at school. With the post two decades most countries have attention for standardized their meals products. Some believe that schools should be responsible for providing meals to primary and secondary students, while others argue parents should take this responsibility. This essay will analyse both sides of this debate before drawing a conclusion
On the one hand, some feels that every country has different culture so it will be difficult for schools to provide meals for students according to their cultural diet. Take India as example, most Hindu peoples do not eat meat because of their religion, while Muslim people of India eat meats. Thus, it is not possible for school to provide meals for primary and secondary students. It is clear why some people support this point of view.
On the other hand, many argue that schools should provide lunches for primary and secondary students because some parents do not afford to provide meal for their children. For instance, slummy inhabitants cannot diurnal’s nourishing for their children during at school. Thus. Schools should provide this. After analysing these facts, it is why many agree with this point of views.
The above discussion has been give several convincing arguments for both sides of this debate. It is felt that supplement meals by school is more beneficial for student

Re: please assess my essay4, please guys help me

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:09 pm
by Flick
ahmad umar wrote:Some people feels schools should be responsible for providing lunch to primary and secondary students. Others think parents should send their children to school with box lunches at home
Analyse both positions

It is very important that young people should eat healthy meals when at school. Within the past two decades most countries have standardized their school meals. Some believe that schools should be responsible for providing meals to primary and secondary students, while others argue parents should take this responsibility. This essay will analyse both sides of this debate before drawing a conclusion.

On the one hand, some feel that every country has a different culture, so it will be difficult for schools to provide meals for students according to their cultural diet. Take India, forexample. Most Hindu people do not eat meat because of their religion, while Muslim people of India do eat meat. Thus, it is not possible for schools to provide meals for primary and secondary students. It is clear why some people support this point of view.

On the other hand, many argue that schools should provide lunches for primary and secondary students because some parents can not afford to provide food for their children. For instance, slum inhabitants cannot provide lunch for their children during school. Thus, schools should provide this. After analysing these facts, it is clear why many agree with this point of view.

The above discussion has several convincing arguments for both sides of this debate. It is felt that meals provided by school is more beneficial for students.