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writting task 2: sport, role models. Please mark my essay

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:34 pm
by tuananhchau
Some people think that professional athletes make good role models for young people, while others believe they don’t.
Discuss both these points of views and give your own opinion.

There is no denying that professional athletes nowadays have become famous public figures and sporting rock stars to millions of people around the world, especial the young people. This leads to the common trend of the youth about seeing these athletes as role models for their behaviours and daily basis. In my opnion, I strongly believe that this way of thinking is beneficial.

It is undoubted that athletes is one great model leading an enegertic lifestyle to stay fit, strong and healthy. For example, the relatively sedentary way of living of the youth nowadays is associated with TV programmes and the Internet, sports athletes encourage and give children opportunities to engage in outdoor activities in order to become like them. Added in more, children can learn from professional sports players their wit and will to achieve the goals. To specify, every sportmans always have precise goals and motivation to play their best on the fields; therefore, students look up to high aims and those athletes, they will try performing their best on both on and off the classes so as to be successful in real life.

On the other hand, seeing sports stars as role models also has a number of downsides.First of all, regardless of the role of performing in matches and games, athletes have no moral sparks or admirable lifestyles for children to follow. For instance, some popular sports stars may have money, fame and appear prominently on covers of numerous magazines but this doesn’t mean that the youth should workship them as a hero outside the stadiums, so if you are particulaly keen on their moral guidance and a perfect way of studying, you are amazingly mistaken. Secondly, relationship between athletes and kids are just similar as celebrities with fans, their appearance in public and in front of reporters is usually just an outer shell in order to blur away many scandals and bad sides. However, these cannot be compared to its good sides.

In conclusion, following the paths of athletes is can be seen as one possible way of living due to its benefits for both young people’s mental and physical aspects.