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GT, essays 3 and 4 on the Methodology

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:46 pm
by Gelever
Hi, again!
Here are two my latest essays (of argument type) written according to the Ryan's Methodology.
Please, read and criticize!
IELTS exam on April 11
Many people think television is a good thing because it gives people enjoyment and keeps them informed. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The advent of telecommunication technologies’ era has modified the way people spend their spare time. Nowadays, many are tempted to watch TV to get relaxed and be informed about what is happening around without leaving their homes. It is difficult to agree that television is a positive phenomenon. Analysing both potential capabilities of mass media to affect people’s consciousness and unfavourable effect of constant watching TV-programmes on your health will demonstrate this.

Firstly, television is becoming a powerful toolset to manipulate public opinion. For example, totalitarian regimens in North Korea and Russia are using TV-propaganda machinery to bias their viewers in favour of having belligerent attitude. Unfortunately, such technologies appeared to be extremely effective in recent local armed conflicts in Europe to make people prejudiced and even ready to fight and risk their lives for far-fetched ideas. Thus, it is clear that misinterpreted information distributed by TV-channels can be very dangerous and lead to quite tragic consequences.

Secondly, spending too much time in front of TV set cannot be very beneficial for human health. For instance, my sister, who used to regularly play basketball while a teenager, now, becomes a TV-series addict watching one episode after another all evenings long and not doing any sports exercises. Since she took up this type of home entertainment she began to suffer from severe back pain and lose her once perfect vision. Therefore, it is evident, that TV can be positively addictive and result in problems with your health.

In conclusion, it is shown that television can be extremely hazardous weapon when used by totalitarian governments to spread misinformation and bias their citizens. Furthermore, constant watching TV is rather an addictive form of entertainment able to affect people’s health. Thus, the idea of beneficial role of television in the today's world cannot be largely accepted.

Total: 302



GT 30th of April
Some people say that schools do not do enough to teach young people how to look after their health. Do you agree or disagree?

The challenge of upbringing children in a spirit of healthy lifestyle has appeared to be exceptionally actual in this day and age. Many educational institutions have been obliged to teach youngsters how to maintain their health. However, it is disagreed that efforts of schools in setting anti-smoking programs are sufficient. Looking at both growing quantity of school students picking up pernicious habits and inability of some teachers to be role models for their pupils will prove the accuracy of this assertion.

Firstly, the number of schoolchildren who smoke or drink has gone up lately. For instance, the latest statistics from the WHO web-site suggests that cigarette addiction among schoolboys increased by 0,5% in the world over past three years. Unfortunately, due to flagrant promulgation of smoking and alcohol drinks via mass media, children are constantly exposed by wrong information. The figures make it evident that schools do not undertake adequate efforts to compensate the negative influence of TV-advertising and prevent youngsters from becoming nicotine or alcohol addicts.

Secondly, headmasters often do not select appropriate persons on the teachers’ positions. Thus, they rarely enquire whether a candidate smokes or not at interviews. One example of a teacher not giving a good example to the pupils was at my niece’s school where one school mistress in physical education used to smoke right in the schoolyard at recesses. Therefore, it is not surprising that pupils take up smoking by imitating their educators’ behaviour. Thus, it is clear that some schools have failed to hire proper educators able to be good role models.

To conclude, it is shown that the statistics on school children affected by negative impacts of bad habits has worsened. Besides, school authorities tend to acquiesce those instructors who have habits detrimental to their health. Therefore, this does not allow us to be satisfied with the amount of efforts schools make to inculcate healthy lifestyle in the minds of schoolchildren.

Total: 317

