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Writing Task 2 - Please evaluate

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:38 pm
by samgegr8
The tourism industry has grown enormously over the last fifty years, and there are few places which are unaffected by it.However, tourism rarely benefit the countries where tourists visit.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Tourism is the golden coin of a nation in attaining multi-cultural status. Exploring the world has become very popular in recent years, still there are places which are not affected by the wave of tourism. I strongly agree, that Tourism should be encouraged .Lets look into the problem for areas which are not affected and how to overcome them.

Tourism brings revenue to the hosting country which boosts their GDP and help them to take a place in the world. It is the media of advertisement of the country. People from different parts get to meet. This instils a broader sense of outlook to the people. People can intermingle which boosts the multicultural outlook of the people within. Even though netizens never crossed the border, but it can help to change their view in a bigger way. Tourism helps to facilitate trade between hosting country and other parts of the world. It attracts migration of people from different corner of the globe, that brings in money for the hosting nation.

There are places which is still untouched. Lets look at the reason and the way to deal with it. Proper exhibition of the place is required. Government of the hosting country should equip the place with adequate infrastructure like train,bus or flights connecting to the major cities. As rightly said charity begins at home, locales of the unaffected places should be motivated to promote tourism. Officials of the country should take steps to eradicate crime from these places.

Tourism can help the world to get united which is very important in the ever growing mechanical world. Despite local authorities should take proper measures to uplift their place to the global map.