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Academic IELTS Writing Task 2

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:17 pm
by cloud15
Being a celebrity such as a famous film start or sport personality brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

Traditionally, being a famous personality is considered the easiest path to success. Within the past decade, this approach has become more accessible through technology and social networks. Being wealthy and poses huge income allows to celebrities to have a luxurious and extravagant life style. Even though, some believe that benefits outweigh the disadvantages, others refute this point of view. Both opinions will critiqued before a conclusion is drawn.

Obviously, the most relevant benefits of being well-known person is to be rich. In some countries, being favored with high economic status is a huge benefits. For example, in Peru, some statistic organizations affirm that Peruvian people have to invert around 30 years to afford to buy a study flat. Similarly, the power of mass media such as magazines, newspaper and tv come together with a complex advertisement campaigns which bring to personalities fame and reputation. Commonly, they are treated as a role model, who everyone wants to follow. For example, the Colombian singer Juanes is a very influential public figure because with his charity organization he brings positive result to the society.

Instead of money and influence are most notorious benefits. Every famous has to go through tough time to adjust his or her life. In the dark, fame brings downsides such as privacy breach and psychological problems. The first one, the celebrity cannot do that an ordinary person does, a simple eating out becomes stressful because constant mobbed by frenetic fans asking for autographs and being hauled into spotlight of paparazzi’s cameras. Second one, they face a fast-paced environment which does not allow to gather with families and friends. For example, a very popular case was the actor Robbie Williams, with a strong evidence of suicide case, psychological problems such as depression gives him the end of his live.

To sum up, after analyzing advantages and problems. It is evident that problems caused by fame outweigh benefits. I am sure the people must avoid to be famous and just live their live with health and love.

Re: Academic IELTS Writing Task 2

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:41 am
by OnlineEnglishTeacher
Study more grammar:

Being a celebrity such as a famous film start or sport personality brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

Traditionally, being a famous personality is considered the easiest path to success. Within the past decade, this approach has become more accessible through technology and social networks. Being wealthy and ("having a huge...") poses huge income allows (no "to) to celebrities to have a luxurious and extravagant life style. Even though, some believe that benefits outweigh the disadvantages, others refute this point of view. Both opinions will ("be") critiqued before a conclusion is drawn.

Obviously, the most relevant benefits of being ("a") well-known person is to be rich. In some countries, being favored with high economic status is a huge ("benefit) benefits. For example, in Peru, some statistic organizations affirm that Peruvian people have to (?) invert around 30 years to afford to buy a study flat. Similarly, the power of mass media such as magazines, newspaper and tv come together with (no "a") a complex advertisement campaigns(",") which bring to personalities fame and reputation. Commonly, they are treated as a role model, who everyone wants to follow. For example, the Colombian singer Juanes is a very influential public figure(",") because with his charity organization he brings positive ("results") result to the society.

Instead of money and influence are ("the") most notorious ("outcomes") benefits. Every famous ("person") has to go through ("a") tough time to adjust ("to their") his or her life. In the dark, fame brings downsides such as ("a") privacy breach and psychological problems. The first one, the celebrity cannot do that an ordinary person does, ("such as eating") a simple eating out becomes stressful because ("of being constantly") constant mobbed by frenetic fans asking for autographs and being hauled into ("the") spotlight of ("the") paparazzi’s cameras. ("Secondly") Second one, they face a fast-paced environment which does not allow to gather with families and friends. For example, a very popular case was the actor ("Robin") Robbie Williams, with (no "a") a strong evidence of ("being suicidal") suicide case, ("and") psychological problems such as depression ("gave") gives him the end of his ("life") live.

To sum up, after analyzing ("the") advantages and problems(","). It is evident that problems caused by fame outweigh benefits. I am sure the people must avoid ("being") to be famous and just live their ("life") live with health and love.