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Is it meaningless to retain traditional skills?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:30 pm
by han4
Essay Question:
When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

My Attempt:

In the modern era, advancement in technology has played important role our lifestyles, especially in simplifying the daily activities. Whether this is a blessing or curse, it has sparked so much debate. Certain group of people believe that it is necessary to preserve the conventional artistry while the critics believed that it is meaningless to retain since these skills have been replaced with modern machinery. In my opinion, I believed it is important to retain these traditional techniques because it can serve as an alternative solution and innovation ideas for modern society.

To begin with, conventional technique can play an important role in the problems associated with modern technology. Most of technologies today require power to operate. Although technology is continuously advancing, yet power supply can be interrupt by natural disaster or system failure. Without electricity supply, these activities will be discontinued which could leads to a loss or trouble for the people. For instance, a sewer can still continue sewing the clothes manually to meet deadlines of the customer order despite that the sewing machine had breakdown. No doubt that technology had eased the process; nevertheless, conserving traditional skills can serve as substitute if there is disruption with the system.

Secondly, traditional artistry can serves an innovation pool for the developers. It is common to see that successful innovators pick up new ideas by observing the traditional technique and create a new technology that can perform the same skills but topped the hand craft method. Cooking appliances are one of the great examples where innovators created this technology through examining the process of the traditional cooking method and programmed it into the mechanism. As this show, retaining traditional skills can benefits the developers to continuously find and create new technology for the people.

As a conclusion, it is important to keep traditional artistry and way of life because it can serve as a substitute for current technology and idea for inventors. Thus, it is hoped that these traditional techniques can be preserved so that it can be continuously pass on to the next generation.

Please rate and correct my essay so that I can improve and avoid these mistake again in future.

Thank you!