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False reports in GT essays

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:48 pm
by Gelever
Hi, David!
Is it acceptable to set some false figures as examples to highlight the importance of a problem.
I mean something like that:
For example, a research conducted by CSSS showed that households worldwide lose in average 20% of family budgets due to ladies trying to purchase garments in style.
I actually have no idea if CSSS organization really ever conducted such the research. Alas, this is only my guess)
For instance, it is estimated that 15% schoolchildren in China are under distracting influence of fashion, due to which their performance at schools worsens.
Again, here I've written something feasible but I suppose it has never been put into figures in reality.

My main reason to write like that is to increase my overall score by making my essays look more 'academically'.
My full essays are here:

Please, give me your advice if I can use such the devices to embellish my essay in the exam hall?

Re: False reports in GT essays

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:09 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hello again, Gelever,
There are no rules regarding this, so my basic answer is 'go ahead'. However, do be a little careful! I think that the examples you gave are reasonable, but I have seen essays where they are less so and it often makes the arguments confusing. Moreover, if your arguments cannot stand up without dubious or made up stats, are they really such strong points?
All the best,