GT, 11 July, 2015 (disagreement)

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GT, 11 July, 2015 (disagreement)

Post by Gelever »

Hi, guys, this question was seen in Dubai on 11 of July. I tried to make it by supporting the negative point of view.
I'm not sure if I would write like this in the exam hall, this is just an attempt.

People became to live longer than before. Is this a positive or negative trend?

As the human civilization develops new problems come to existence. There are different points on the trend that people’s lives tend to be longer these days. It is hard to agree that the trend is a positive phenomenon for today’s societies. This will be proved by analyzing the overpopulation problems around the globe and how much money governments spend on maintenance elderly people and people with disabilities.

Firstly, the trend of people living longer entails an exponential growth of population in the world. For example, such Asiatic nations as Chinese and Indians face the overpopulation challenges nowadays. Unfortunately, the resources on the globe are limited, and therefore, the increasing number of people will sooner or later lead to the problems with food and water supplies and stake the humanity survival. Thus, it is clear that the prolonged life expectancy can be dangerous and lead to the planet Earth overcrowded by people being devoid of resources to survive.

Secondly, Western governments spend billions of dollars yearly to maintain their elderly citizens. For example, the United States’ government allocates $1.5 billion to pay pensions and support people with disabilities, who do not participate in the country's economy any more. These costs could have spent on investments to research the space or to invent cures for untreatable diseases. Thus, it is obvious that the increasing average life expectancy and, as a result of this, increasing number of people over 60, which means the retirement age, deprive a country of resources and cannot be a positive trend.

After analyzing both overpopulation problems in China and India and significant expenses on the maintenance of retired people and people with disabilities it is clear that the trend of increasing human lives cannot be considered as a positive one. It is recommended to undertake serious efforts to rein the population growth especially in Asia before it becomes a problem of the world scale.

Well... I'd better agree with the positive point of view :D
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