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ielts task 2 essay...please comment on this essay...!

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:46 pm
by Qaiser ameer
Q:Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?Has this become a positive or negative development?

New technological inventions have revolutionized the ways of communication.The world has transformed into a global village by virtue of these scientific advancements.However,this progress has sparked a debate about its impacts on human's mutual relationships and whether they are positive or negative for the society.Both types of opinions will be analyzed to draw a conclusion.

Technology affected human lives in every way.It has transformed the means of transportation,communication and mutual interactions.For example,now anyone can be well informed to any incident by the use of television.Similarly,aeroplanes and motor cars made it easier to travel long distances in lesser time.Obviously,it was not possible with out the use of these recent scientific products.Thus,it is clear that modern developments in technology has made a human a life more fast and convenient.

One consideration is,that technology is a positive landmark for human society.For instance,now people can easily contact with each other by using new scientific products like telephone and internet.Whereas,this was not possible about a hundred years ago when post letter was the only way of communication for distant areas.That's why,it is claimed by many that science has facilitated the people to develop better relationships with each other.

Conversely,some critics of technology,state some of its adverse effects on the community.Their point of view is,nowadays,everyone remains busy in using internet and mobile phone and prefers to live isolated.That's why he avoids to meet other community members even on special religious and national occasions.This trend is detrimental for community's mutual interactions.Thus,according to them,technology is a negative development.

After analyzing the effects of technology,it is clear that its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.It helped to strengthen human relationships.Therefore,is a positive development.Moreover,it is hoped that in future,people would enjoy the use of more scientific inventions to keep in touch with the rest of the world.