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need review and band score rating - task 1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:00 pm
by saranyavasudm
You have heard about plans to build a new apartments in a public park near your home. You want to give your opinion about this.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. In your letter
-explain how you learnt about these plans
-say what you think of the park
-give your opinion on the plans

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Saranya Vasudevamurthy and I live in the Park View apartment which is right opposite to the Hampton park. One of the articles in your Hampton times newspaper titled "Making space for Hampton's growing population" caught my attention because it was regarding the demolishment of the Hampton park. The article was authored by Ralph Lauren and it was published in the 14th of July's edition of the paper. I would like to voice out my opinion in this matter through this letter.

Hampton park is a green and serene park that houses a different variety of trees, which is the only source of free air for the apartments surrounding it. In this area, where the traffic is never low, this park provides a clean and neat pathways for the young and the old to jog and walk. Furthermore, the park has an attractive play area for the kids.

According to me, in this already overcrowded area, the Hampto park is the only refreshing place for people to relax. Clearing this park will create a lot of hassle and disturb the lifestyle of each and every age group of people living here. Additionally, constructing more apartments will only aggravate the already existing traffic, pollution and water scarcity problems. I really hope the government would consider the opinions of the inmates of Hampton park area before taking such drastic decisions.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Re: need review and band score rating - task 1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:01 am
by bansan
it is a 7.5 for me

Re: need review and band score rating - task 1

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:48 am
by saranyavasudm
Thank you very much for your reply