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[Task2]Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagree an

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:36 pm
by qowlaks
▶ Topic :
l Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences

- Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
- Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

▶ Your Answer :

Nowadays, the world has been becoming globalization and the number of people who travel abroad is increasing, thereby some arguments occur that whether people who come to other country should accept the rule of the country or the foreign countries should be generous to visitors who don’t know about their culture well. I will discuss about both of the arguments

To begin, People have heard about the old saying, when you are in Roma, do as Romans do. It might be right way, of course, to stay in the foreign country. However, it is not possible to follow the behavior way of the inhabitants perfectly because visitors have lived in a different culture. If people want to experience a variety of customs abroad, they need to try so as to know about basic manners of the country for example, way of greeting and shaking hands. In Korea, if Koreans greet an older person then them, they should bow to him or her and before old people hand out their hand to shack hand with each other, it is rude that young people hand out their hand first.

On the other hand, the host countries should understand visitors no matter where they came from due to some customs which are difficult to be accepted by them. Therefore, they should not be forced to do as inhabitants do and thing is, they don’t have any duty to do it

In conclusion, people should consider about each other’s cultures and customs. It would reduce their conflict and be win-win each other.

Re: [Task2]Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagre

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:55 am
by OnlineEnglishTeacher
Nowadays, the world has been becoming ("globalised") globalization and the number of people who travel abroad is increasing, ("therefore") thereby some arguments occur ("about") that whether people who come to ("another") other country should accept the ("style") rule of the country or the foreign countries should be generous to visitors who ("do not") don’t know about their culture well. I will discuss (no "about") about both of the arguments(".")

To begin ("with"), People have heard about the old saying, when you are in ("Rome") Roma, do as ("the") Romans do. It might be ("a") right way, of course, to stay in the foreign country. However, it is not possible to follow the behavior way of the inhabitants perfectly(",") because visitors have lived in a different culture. If people want to experience a variety of customs abroad, they need to try so as to know about ("the") basic manners of the country for example, ("the") way of greeting and shaking hands. In Korea, if Koreans greet an older person ("than") then them, they should bow to ("them") him or her and before old people hand out their hand to ("shake hands") shack hand with each other, it is rude that young people hand out their hand first.

On the other hand, the host countries should understand visitors no matter where they came from(",") due to some customs which are difficult to be accepted by them. Therefore, they should not be forced to do as inhabitants do and ("the") thing is, they ("do not") don’t have any duty to do it

In conclusion, people should consider about each other’s cultures and customs. It would reduce their conflict and be ("a") win-win ("for") each other.