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Importance of old buildings Task#2 Pls give ur feedback

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:24 pm
by avijit_05
Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones.
How important is it to maintain old buildings?
Should history stand in the way of progress?

My attempt

In today’s world it is seen that many governments are working hard to preserve national history. They invest to protect the old monuments and building and, also run several campaigns to create awareness about them. In this era of modernization and industrialization people are beginning to question is it worth to maintain old buildings ?

To begin, undoubtedly, ancient architectures are part of our cultural heritage. They provide an insight to history, from which we can gain experience and learn lot of things. A case in point is, world famous Pyramids of Egypt , which demonstrates that how intelligent and artistic was the ancient civilization. Another good example is Taj Mahal in India which is considered as architecture marvel. Moreover, these sites are of economic importance as they provide tourism and employment to the country. Thus, it is clear that historical monuments are of great significance and should be protected.

However, this certainly does not mean that the governments should not focus on development. They should ensure modernization is not on the cost of preserving cultural heritages. For example, state could make a policy that industries are not set up in vicinity of building of national importance, so that they are not damaged. This will ensure that development and preserving historical sites goes hand in hand. Furthermore, the buildings of national importance which are in deteriorated and dilapidated state can renewed and used as a museum or a hotel. By doing this dual purpose of maintaining the old buildings and renovation will be served.

To conclude, history has its own significance for human beings and hence should be preserved and protected in any form. It can provide an insight to past and show ways to prosper in future. It is expected that governments around the world will continue to take appropriate measures in order to protect the cultural heritage in form of buildings.

Re: Importance of old buildings Task#2 Pls give ur feedback

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:48 am
by jaypatel
avijit_05 wrote:Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones.
How important is it to maintain old buildings?
Should history stand in the way of progress?

My attempt

In today’s world
it is seen that many governments are working hard to preserve national history. They invest
in protecting
the old monuments and building and, also run several campaigns to create awareness
among people
. In this era of modernization and industrialization, people are beginning to question is it worth to maintain old buildings?
[should not ask question in academic writing]
To begin,
it is undoubtedly true that the
ancient architectures are part of our cultural heritage. They provide an insight to
history, from which we can gain experience and learn
lot of things. A case in point is,
Pyramids of Egypt, which demonstrates
how intelligent and artistic was the ancient civilization. Another good example is Taj Mahal in India which is considered as architecture marvel. Moreover, these sites are of economic importance as they
tourism and employment to the country. Thus, it is clear that historical monuments are of great significance and should be protected.

However, this certainly does not mean that the governments should not focus on development. They should ensure modernization is not on the cost of preserving cultural heritages. For example,
state could make a policy that industries
can not be
set up in
vicinity of building of national importance, so that they are not damaged. This will ensure that development and preserving historical sites goes hand in hand. Furthermore, the buildings of national importance which are in deteriorated and dilapidated state can renewed and used as a museum or a hotel. By doing this dual purpose of maintaining the old buildings and renovation will be served.

To conclude, history has its own significance for human beings and hence should be preserved and protected in any form. It can provide an insight to past and show ways to prosper in future. It is expected that governments around the world will continue to take appropriate measures in order to protect the cultural heritage in form of buildings.