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GT task 2 - 2

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:08 pm
by faty
Some people prefer to live alone. Explain its advantages and disadvantages. Give opinion and examples

Since the beginning of recorded time, people are considered to be social animals. This can be seen from the environmental influence that human experience in daily life. On the one hand, many people believe that isolated life makes a person responsible and mature. While, others believe that living alone induces isolation and can be harmful in the long term. These arguments will be analyzed prior to coming to a reasoned conclusion.

It is generally perceived today, that leading an independent life infuses a sense of responsibility among individuals. For example, working abroad to financially help one's family, makes a person self-reliant. He makes effort and becomes responsible to challenge life on his own. This example reveals that a sense of satisfaction is achieved if an individual life is practiced. Thus, it is easy to see why this argument has garnered a lot of support to prove the point of living in isolation.

Traditionally, groups around the world have also ascertained the fact that working alone infuses emotional detachment. A research conducted in US depicts that most of the people who are living an alienated life, are vulnerable to psychological problems that include depression and distress. One reason of it being hectic schedules and materialistic lifestyles. Thus, the theory of psychological injuries that are caused by secluded life is difficult to debunk.

After hashing out the pros and cons of the segregated living, it can be fairly concluded that human needs to interact for a healthier and positive lifestyle.Securing a successful life, keeping in balance te social and personal attributes will help us to be self-sustained and mature.