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IELTS Task 1, Give some feedback please

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:32 pm
by eppofahmi
The line graph illustrates the population of four kinds of turtles (letherback turtle, green turtle, all species, and olive ridley turtle) in India over 32 years from 1980 to 2012. Overall, the population of leatherback turtle and green turtle are decreased, when the population of all species and olive ridley turtle are rose in the period given.
At the start of period, all of kind of turtle 100. However with almost the same number for the first three years, the number of olive ridley turtle increased steadily until 1996 with approximately 138 and then fluctuated to the last year with around 130 turtles. On the other hand, the number of all species turtle fluctuate from the start of the period given to the last year with a very small increase, that is 100 at first year to the around 108 in the last period.
The population of green turtle decreased form 100 in 1980 to around 90 in 2012, while the number of leatherback turtle decreased dramatically form 100 in the first year to around 55 turtle in the end of period given.
To summary, there are two kinds of turtle (olive ridley and all species turtle) that increase in India in the period given, while the other two are decreased.
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