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Please correct and grade my essay. Thank you!

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:03 pm
by cham26
I just started watching the videos from Sir Ryan. I used one of his questions and thesis and wrote a full essay. I would greatly appreciate if someone can correct and grade this essay so I can improve my writing skills and hopefully get a bandscore of at least 7. Thank you and have a great day!

Question: Technology has made people even more antisocial. Do you agree?

In today's modern time, technology has developed ways to improve our daily communication. This is apparent with the influx of different social medias, networking sites, and edgy phones and computers. It is disagreed that technology has made people even more antisocial. This will be proved by analyzing how a lot of technology actually encourages people to interact with others and the different communication ways people use nowadays.

Technology has brought tremendous means to encourage people to communicate with others by developing innovations that leads to faster communication. An example of this is the creation of networking sites and mobile phones where you can easily interact with different people in other parts of the world. By using these various social sites like Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber, Skype, and etc. people are embolden to meet and talk to different people. Thus, technology helps develop social skills.

People in this era is not more antisocial, they just have created different ways of communication that is not only limited to face-to-face interaction. For example, the use of video calls, text messaging and instant messaging to talk to people even if they are at work and be able to see and interact with them even if they are half away across the globe. Inreasing number of people use these means as their ways to socialize, which means that socializing is not only limited to meeting people physically and be able to talk to them. As a result, generation today is more social than before through utilizing these multiple ways of interaction.

Following the analyzation of how technology motivates people to socialize and their various ways of communication, it is clear that technology has only made people to be more social beings. Further, it is expected that there will be myriad of new communication styles in the future through developments in technology.