task 2_punishment

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task 2_punishment

Post by AlexandraTzo »

It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this option?
What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?

Childhood is a crucial time for all people, as the character and the basic elements of personality are developed. It is believed that children should leran how to discern the right and wrong at this age. Punishment is a method, that could be used in order children to learn this difference. Personally, I believe, that this is a valiable approach, if it is used in a right way.

It is thought that children learn how to behave and adopt certain patterns of behaviour according to the response that they get from their environment (parents, teachers). If children adopt inappropriate behaviours, punishment that comes as a result of their behavior, can reinforce them of not to behave in the same way again.

Positive reinforcement is a type of punishment, where something that is perceived as positive experience from a child or something that gives him or her joy (toys, favourite food) is removed as a result of his or her behaviour. This can be seen in family and school environment, where a favourite toy is removed from the child for a specific period of time, or the break may be limited for him or her, as a consequence of his/her behaviour.

Negative reinforcement is another type of punishment, where something perceived as negative from a child is given to him/her as a reaction to his/her behaviour. This may include asking a child clean his room during the weekend, or write his/her name in the whiteboard, as a type of child that was not behaving according to the rules of the school. Both types of punishment have as a result children to consider the consequences of their actions and the impact that these may have on them. This leads children to reconsider their behaviour patterns and start thinking of healthier ways of behavior.

To conclude, teachers and parents play major role for the development of children's character at an early age. Punishment along with the right for of counselling from teachers and parents can help children understand their current behaviour and conceive the difference between right and wrong.

Please give me your comments. I would like to inform me in which band do you think that this essay belongs to.
Posts: 75
Joined: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:15 am

Re: task 2_punishment

Post by Teacher »

Dear Alexandra
Excellent essay, I would give 8.5. You have answered all parts of the question and clearly stated your position. Your structure is fully cohesive and logical. You have used a wide range of vocabulary, skillfully including some 'less common' lexical items, and you have demonstrated a very good command of syntax. Well done!
Posts: 75
Joined: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:15 am

Re: task 2_punishment

Post by Teacher »

Dear Alexandra
Excellent essay, I would give 8.5. You have answered all parts of the question and clearly stated your position. Your structure is fully cohesive and logical. You have used a wide range of vocabulary, skillfully including some 'less common' lexical items, and you have demonstrated a very good command of syntax. Well done!
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