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This is my task2 essay topic 1. Please check it for me

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:55 pm
by Thanh
Topic:Every year,thousands of students go overseas to study.Although many benefit from the experience, others go home disappointed.
In your opinion, do the benefits of studying in another country outweigh the drawbacks?
A major number of young people desire to further their education in a foreign country, as opposed to studying in their nation.Despite various disadvantages of studying abroad, I believe the potential benefits are more significant.

It is undeniable that learning overseas always contains sevral drawbacks.Obviously, A main problem is finance.15000-20000 dollars for each semester in university would be huge money for any foreign stundets.Moreover, they have to pay for visas, accomodation,transports, meals…etc.This fact would lead to a part time job which might be a cause of wasting time and exhaustion.Another thing is communication barriels with most stundents from Easten coutries when they come to the West to study.As a result, they would suffer from lectures challenging, misunderstanding or difficulties in making new friends.Hence,foreign students usually feel stressfull and exhausted while learning overseas.

However,from my point of view,the benefits gain from studying abroad are far more impressive than the disadvantages.Firstly,it is about foreign institutions and prestigious degree after we graduate.Obviously,a cretificate of Cambrigde or Harvard university is internationally recognized. The reason is that they have teachers with skilled knowledge,experience,better courses, therefore, better qualifications which helps students open more opportunities.Furthermore,while it is true that overseas students often suffer from homesickness,I believe that a life seperated from parents will make them become independent,more confident. In addition, learning abroad would helps student develop networking skills and foreign cultures, as well.
In summary, it can be affirmed that we should encourage young adults to go overseas to study as soon as possible since the advantages are worthless and far outweigh than the drawbacks they might face.