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This is my task2 essay topic 2. Please check it for me

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:58 pm
by Thanh
Topic:Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
According to some experts,it is believe that learning a foreign language had better been started at primary school rather than secondary school.While there are still several drawbacks in this plan, I feel that the benefits are far outweigh.

When we add foreign languages as a compulsory component in primary school, there are some difficulties we might face.Firstly, more subjects means more studying time, more homework, teachers..etc.School must rearrange the schedule, employ teachers to teach foreign languages and get more fees so as to pay salary for them.At the side of students, they would have more homework,lack of time to study academic subjects like mathmetics, science,..etc.This fact might lead to a stressful mood for most pupils causes them become lazy or tired of school.As a consequence, student would get bad results in everysubject.Hence, learning foreign languages in primary school could be a reason of the destruction of education system if we do not consider about its drawbacks.

Despites these potential challenges, I tend to think the advantages of foreign languages are more abundant. As children’s mind grows really fast, it is more effective for them to study another language in primary school than in secondary school.When student can master languages soonly, they will be more confident in communicating with other people, therefore helps them to imporve social skills.Another benefit is that since music, languages,.. develop in the left side of brain and the other side is for mathmetics, science,…,learning foreign languages would make children smarter for 20%.In addition, if we can add outdoor activities to class, the lesson will help student calm down,relax after stressful hours of academic subjects.

In summary, it can be affirmed that parents should encourage children learn foreign languages as soon as possible because the potential advantages from it are priceless and far more significant than the drawbacks.